. /** * @package core_backup * @category phpunit * @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); // Include all the needed stuff global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/progressive_parser.class.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/processors/progressive_parser_processor.class.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/processors/simplified_parser_processor.class.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/processors/grouped_parser_processor.class.php'); /* * progressive_parser and progressive_parser_processor tests */ class progressive_parser_test extends advanced_testcase { /* * test progressive_parser public methods */ function test_parser_public_api() { global $CFG; // Instantiate progressive_parser $pp = new progressive_parser(); $this->assertTrue($pp instanceof progressive_parser); $pr = new mock_parser_processor(); $this->assertTrue($pr instanceof progressive_parser_processor); // Try to process without processor try { $pp->process(); $this->assertTrue(false); } catch (exception $e) { $this->assertTrue($e instanceof progressive_parser_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'undefined_parser_processor'); } // Assign processor to parser $pp->set_processor($pr); // Try to process without file and contents try { $pp->process(); $this->assertTrue(false); } catch (exception $e) { $this->assertTrue($e instanceof progressive_parser_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'undefined_xml_to_parse'); } // Assign *invalid* processor to parser try { $pp->set_processor(new stdClass()); $this->assertTrue(false); } catch (exception $e) { $this->assertTrue($e instanceof progressive_parser_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'invalid_parser_processor'); } // Set file from fixtures (test1.xml) and process it $pp = new progressive_parser(); $pr = new mock_parser_processor(); $pp->set_processor($pr); $pp->set_file($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/tests/fixtures/test1.xml'); $pp->process(); $serfromfile = serialize($pr->get_chunks()); // Get serialized results (to compare later) // Set *unexisting* file from fixtures try { $pp->set_file($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/tests/fixtures/test0.xml'); $this->assertTrue(false); } catch (exception $e) { $this->assertTrue($e instanceof progressive_parser_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'invalid_file_to_parse'); } // Set contents from fixtures (test1.xml) and process it $pp = new progressive_parser(); $pr = new mock_parser_processor(); $pp->set_processor($pr); $pp->set_contents(file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/tests/fixtures/test1.xml')); $pp->process(); $serfrommemory = serialize($pr->get_chunks()); // Get serialized results (to compare later) // Set *empty* contents try { $pp->set_contents(''); $this->assertTrue(false); } catch (exception $e) { $this->assertTrue($e instanceof progressive_parser_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'invalid_contents_to_parse'); } // Check that both results from file processing and content processing are equal $this->assertEquals($serfromfile, $serfrommemory); // Check case_folding is working ok $pp = new progressive_parser(true); $pr = new mock_parser_processor(); $pp->set_processor($pr); $pp->set_file($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/tests/fixtures/test1.xml'); $pp->process(); $chunks = $pr->get_chunks(); $this->assertTrue($chunks[0]['path'] === '/FIRSTTAG'); $this->assertTrue($chunks[0]['tags']['SECONDTAG']['name'] === 'SECONDTAG'); $this->assertTrue($chunks[0]['tags']['SECONDTAG']['attrs']['NAME'] === 'secondtag'); // Check invalid XML exception is working ok $pp = new progressive_parser(true); $pr = new mock_parser_processor(); $pp->set_processor($pr); $pp->set_file($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/tests/fixtures/test2.xml'); try { $pp->process(); } catch (exception $e) { $this->assertTrue($e instanceof progressive_parser_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'xml_parsing_error'); } // Check double process throws exception $pp = new progressive_parser(true); $pr = new mock_parser_processor(); $pp->set_processor($pr); $pp->set_file($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/tests/fixtures/test1.xml'); $pp->process(); try { // Second process, will throw exception $pp->process(); $this->assertTrue(false); } catch (exception $e) { $this->assertTrue($e instanceof progressive_parser_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'progressive_parser_already_used'); } } /* * test progressive_parser parsing results using testing_parser_processor and test1.xml * auto-described file from fixtures */ function test_parser_results() { global $CFG; // Instantiate progressive_parser $pp = new progressive_parser(); // Instantiate processor, passing the unit test as param $pr = new mock_auto_parser_processor($this); $this->assertTrue($pr instanceof progressive_parser_processor); // Assign processor to parser $pp->set_processor($pr); // Set file from fixtures $pp->set_file($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/tests/fixtures/test3.xml'); // Process the file, the autotest processor will perform a bunch of automatic tests $pp->process(); // Get processor debug info $debug = $pr->debug_info(); $this->assertTrue(is_array($debug)); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('chunks', $debug)); // Check the number of chunks is correct for the file $this->assertEquals($debug['chunks'], 10); } /* * test progressive_parser parsing results using simplified_parser_processor and test4.xml * (one simple glossary backup file example) */ function test_simplified_parser_results() { global $CFG; // Instantiate progressive_parser $pp = new progressive_parser(); // Instantiate simplified_parser_processor declaring the interesting paths $pr = new mock_simplified_parser_processor(array( '/activity', '/activity/glossary', '/activity/glossary/entries/entry', '/activity/glossary/entries/entry/aliases/alias', '/activity/glossary/entries/entry/ratings/rating', '/activity/glossary/categories/category', '/activity/glossary/onetest', '/activity/glossary/othertest')); $this->assertTrue($pr instanceof progressive_parser_processor); // Assign processor to parser $pp->set_processor($pr); // Set file from fixtures $pp->set_file($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/tests/fixtures/test4.xml'); // Process the file $pp->process(); // Get processor debug info $debug = $pr->debug_info(); $this->assertTrue(is_array($debug)); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('chunks', $debug)); // Check the number of chunks is correct for the file $this->assertEquals($debug['chunks'], 12); // Get all the simplified chunks and perform various validations $chunks = $pr->get_chunks(); // Check we have received the correct number of chunks $this->assertEquals(count($chunks), 12); // chunk[0] (/activity) tests $this->assertEquals(count($chunks[0]), 3); $this->assertEquals($chunks[0]['path'], '/activity'); $this->assertEquals($chunks[0]['level'],'2'); $tags = $chunks[0]['tags']; $this->assertEquals(count($tags), 4); $this->assertEquals($tags['id'], 1); $this->assertEquals($tags['moduleid'], 5); $this->assertEquals($tags['modulename'], 'glossary'); $this->assertEquals($tags['contextid'], 26); $this->assertEquals($chunks[0]['level'],'2'); // chunk[1] (/activity/glossary) tests $this->assertEquals(count($chunks[1]), 3); $this->assertEquals($chunks[1]['path'], '/activity/glossary'); $this->assertEquals($chunks[1]['level'],'3'); $tags = $chunks[1]['tags']; $this->assertEquals(count($tags), 24); $this->assertEquals($tags['id'], 1); $this->assertEquals($tags['intro'], '
One simple glossary to test backup & restore. Here it\'s the standard image:
'. "\n". 'One simple glossary to test backup & restore. Here it\'s the standard image:
'. "\n". 'Traditional enemies of cats
'); $this->assertTrue(isset($entry1['aliases'])); $this->assertTrue(isset($entry1['ratings'])); // aliases of first entry $aliases = $entry1['aliases']['alias']; $this->assertEquals(count($aliases), 1); // first alias $alias1 = $aliases[0]; $this->assertEquals(count($alias1), 2); $this->assertEquals($alias1['id'], 1); $this->assertEquals($alias1['alias_text'], 'dogs'); // ratings of first entry $ratings = $entry1['ratings']['rating']; $this->assertEquals(count($ratings), 1); // first rating $rating1 = $ratings[0]; $this->assertEquals(count($rating1), 6); $this->assertEquals($rating1['id'], 2); $this->assertEquals($rating1['value'], 6); $this->assertEquals($rating1['timemodified'], '1275639797'); // Second entry $entry2 = $entries[1]; $this->assertEquals(count($entry2), 17); $this->assertEquals($entry2['id'], 2); $this->assertEquals($entry2['userid'], 2); $this->assertEquals($entry2['concept'], 'cat'); $this->assertEquals($entry2['definition'], 'traditional enemies of dogs
'); $this->assertTrue(isset($entry2['aliases'])); $this->assertTrue(isset($entry2['ratings'])); // aliases of first entry $aliases = $entry2['aliases']['alias']; $this->assertEquals(count($aliases), 2); // first alias $alias1 = $aliases[0]; $this->assertEquals(count($alias1), 2); $this->assertEquals($alias1['id'], 2); $this->assertEquals($alias1['alias_text'], 'cats'); // second alias $alias2 = $aliases[1]; $this->assertEquals(count($alias2), 2); $this->assertEquals($alias2['id'], 3); $this->assertEquals($alias2['alias_text'], 'felines'); // ratings of first entry $ratings = $entry2['ratings']['rating']; $this->assertEquals(count($ratings), 1); // first rating $rating1 = $ratings[0]; $this->assertEquals(count($rating1), 6); $this->assertEquals($rating1['id'], 1); $this->assertEquals($rating1['value'], 5); $this->assertEquals($rating1['scaleid'], 10); // Onetest test (only 1 level nested) $onetest = $tags['onetest']; $this->assertEquals(count($onetest), 2); $this->assertEquals(count($onetest[0]), 2); $this->assertEquals($onetest[0]['name'], 1); $this->assertEquals($onetest[0]['value'], 1); $this->assertEquals(count($onetest[1]), 2); $this->assertEquals($onetest[1]['name'], 2); $this->assertEquals($onetest[1]['value'], 2); // Other test (0 level nested, only last one is retrieved) $othertest = $tags['othertest']; $this->assertEquals(count($othertest), 1); $this->assertEquals(count($othertest[0]), 2); $this->assertEquals($othertest[0]['name'], 4); $this->assertEquals($othertest[0]['value'], 5); // Now check start notifications $snotifs = $pr->get_start_notifications(); // Check we have received the correct number of notifications $this->assertEquals(count($snotifs), 2); // Check first and last notifications $this->assertEquals($snotifs[0], '/activity'); $this->assertEquals($snotifs[1], '/activity/glossary'); // Now check end notifications $enotifs = $pr->get_end_notifications(); // Check we have received the correct number of notifications $this->assertEquals(count($snotifs), 2); // Check first, and last notifications $this->assertEquals($enotifs[0], '/activity/glossary'); $this->assertEquals($enotifs[1], '/activity'); // Check start and end notifications are balanced sort($snotifs); sort($enotifs); $this->assertEquals($snotifs, $enotifs); // Now verify that the start/process/end order is correct $allnotifs = $pr->get_all_notifications(); $this->assertEquals(count($allnotifs), count($snotifs) + count($enotifs) + count($chunks)); // The count // Check integrity of the notifications $errcount = $this->helper_check_notifications_order_integrity($allnotifs); $this->assertEquals($errcount, 0); // No errors found, plz } /** * test how the grouped processor and the order of start/process/end events happens * with one real fragment of one backup 1.9 file, where some problems * were found by David, hence we honor him in the name of the test ;-) */ function test_grouped_david_backup19_file_fragment() { global $CFG; // Instantiate progressive_parser $pp = new progressive_parser(); // Instantiate grouped_parser_processor $pr = new mock_grouped_parser_processor(); // Add interesting paths $pr->add_path('/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE'); $pr->add_path('/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECTIONS/SECTION', true); $pr->add_path('/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECTIONS/SECTION/MODS/MOD'); $pr->add_path('/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECTIONS/SECTION/MODS/MOD/ROLES_OVERRIDES'); $this->assertTrue($pr instanceof progressive_parser_processor); // Assign processor to parser $pp->set_processor($pr); // Set file from fixtures $pp->set_file($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/tests/fixtures/test5.xml'); // Process the file $pp->process(); // Get all the simplified chunks and perform various validations $chunks = $pr->get_chunks(); $this->assertEquals(count($chunks), 1); // Only 1, the SECTION one // Now check start notifications $snotifs = $pr->get_start_notifications(); // Check we have received the correct number of notifications $this->assertEquals(count($snotifs), 2); // Check first and last notifications $this->assertEquals($snotifs[0], '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE'); $this->assertEquals($snotifs[1], '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECTIONS/SECTION'); // Now check end notifications $enotifs = $pr->get_end_notifications(); // Check we have received the correct number of notifications $this->assertEquals(count($snotifs), 2); // End tags are dispatched for empties (ROLES_OVERRIDES) // Check first, and last notifications $this->assertEquals($enotifs[0], '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECTIONS/SECTION'); $this->assertEquals($enotifs[1], '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE'); // Check start and end notifications are balanced sort($snotifs); sort($enotifs); $this->assertEquals($snotifs, $enotifs); // Now verify that the start/process/end order is correct $allnotifs = $pr->get_all_notifications(); $this->assertEquals(count($allnotifs), count($snotifs) + count($enotifs) + count($chunks)); // The count // Check integrity of the notifications $errcount = $this->helper_check_notifications_order_integrity($allnotifs); $this->assertEquals($errcount, 0); // No errors found, plz } /** */ function test_grouped_at_empty_node() { global $CFG; // Instantiate progressive_parser. $pp = new progressive_parser(); // Instantiate grouped_parser_processor. $pr = new mock_grouped_parser_processor(); $this->assertTrue($pr instanceof progressive_parser_processor); // Add interesting paths - moodle1 style. $pr->add_path('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/FORMATDATA', true); $pr->add_path('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/FORMATDATA/WEEKS/WEEK'); $pr->add_path('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/EMPTYGROUPED', true); $pr->add_path('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECONDGROUPED', true); $pr->add_path('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECONDGROUPED/SUBS/SUB'); // Add interesting paths - moodle2 style. $pr->add_path('/test/moodle2/grouped', true); $pr->add_path('/test/moodle2/grouped/subs/sub'); $pr->add_path('/test/moodle2/groupedemptywithattr', true); $pr->add_path('/test/moodle2/groupednonemptywithattr', true); $pr->add_path('/test/moodle2/groupednonemptywithattr/subs/sub'); // Assign processor to parser. $pp->set_processor($pr); // Set file from fixtures. $pp->set_file($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/parser/tests/fixtures/test6.xml'); // Process the file. $pp->process(); // Get all the simplified chunks and perform various validations. $chunks = $pr->get_chunks(); $this->assertEquals(count($chunks), 6); // All grouped elements. // Check some random data. $this->assertEquals('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/FORMATDATA', $chunks[0]['path']); $this->assertEquals(2, $chunks[0]['tags']['WEEKS']['WEEK'][1]['SECTION']); $this->assertEquals('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/EMPTYGROUPED', $chunks[1]['path']); $this->assertEquals(array(), $chunks[1]['tags']); $this->assertEquals('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECONDGROUPED', $chunks[2]['path']); $this->assertEquals('Unit tests rock!', $chunks[2]['tags']['SUBS']['SUB'][0]['PROP']); $this->assertEquals('/test/moodle2/grouped', $chunks[3]['path']); $this->assertFalse(isset($chunks[3]['tags']['id'])); // No final elements, this should be fixed one day. $this->assertEquals(34, $chunks[3]['tags']['subs']['sub'][0]['id']); // We have final element so this is parsed. $this->assertEquals('Oh yeah', $chunks[3]['tags']['subs']['sub'][0]['prop']); $this->assertEquals('/test/moodle2/groupednonemptywithattr', $chunks[4]['path']); $this->assertEquals(78, $chunks[4]['tags']['id']); // We have final element so this is parsed. $this->assertEquals('Go baby go', $chunks[4]['tags']['prop']); $this->assertEquals(89, $chunks[4]['tags']['subs']['sub'][0]['id']); $this->assertEquals('http://moodle.org', $chunks[4]['tags']['subs']['sub'][0]['prop']); $this->assertEquals('/test/moodle2/groupedemptywithattr', $chunks[5]['path']); $this->assertFalse(isset($chunks[5]['tags']['attr'])); // No final elements, this should be fixed one day. // Now check start notifications. $snotifs = $pr->get_start_notifications(); // Check we have received the correct number of notifications. $this->assertEquals(count($snotifs), 6); // Check the order of notifications (in order they appear in test6.xml). $this->assertEquals('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/FORMATDATA', $snotifs[0]); $this->assertEquals('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/EMPTYGROUPED', $snotifs[1]); $this->assertEquals('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECONDGROUPED', $snotifs[2]); $this->assertEquals('/test/moodle2/grouped', $snotifs[3]); $this->assertEquals('/test/moodle2/groupednonemptywithattr', $snotifs[4]); $this->assertEquals('/test/moodle2/groupedemptywithattr', $snotifs[5]); // Now check end notifications. $enotifs = $pr->get_end_notifications(); // Check we have received the correct number of notifications. $this->assertEquals(count($enotifs), 6); // Check the order of notifications (in order they appear in test6.xml). $this->assertEquals('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/FORMATDATA', $enotifs[0]); $this->assertEquals('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/EMPTYGROUPED', $enotifs[1]); $this->assertEquals('/test/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECONDGROUPED', $enotifs[2]); $this->assertEquals('/test/moodle2/grouped', $enotifs[3]); $this->assertEquals('/test/moodle2/groupednonemptywithattr', $enotifs[4]); $this->assertEquals('/test/moodle2/groupedemptywithattr', $enotifs[5]); // Now verify that the start/process/end order is correct. $allnotifs = $pr->get_all_notifications(); $this->assertEquals(count($allnotifs), count($snotifs) + count($enotifs) + count($chunks)); // Check integrity of the notifications. $errcount = $this->helper_check_notifications_order_integrity($allnotifs); $this->assertEquals(0, $errcount); } /** * Helper function that given one array of ordered start/process/end notifications will * check it of integrity like: * - process only happens if start is the previous notification * - end only happens if dispatch is the previous notification * - start only happen with level > than last one and if there is no already started like that * * @param array $notifications ordered array of notifications with format [start|process|end]:path * @return int number of integrity problems found (errors) */ function helper_check_notifications_order_integrity($notifications) { $numerrors = 0; $notifpile = array('pilebase' => 'start'); $lastnotif = 'start:pilebase'; foreach ($notifications as $notif) { $lastpiletype = end($notifpile); $lastpilepath = key($notifpile); $lastpilelevel = strlen(preg_replace('/[^\/]/', '', $lastpilepath)); $lastnotiftype = preg_replace('/:.*/', '', $lastnotif); $lastnotifpath = preg_replace('/.*:/', '', $lastnotif); $lastnotiflevel = strlen(preg_replace('/[^\/]/', '', $lastnotifpath)); $notiftype = preg_replace('/:.*/', '', $notif); $notifpath = preg_replace('/.*:/', '', $notif); $notiflevel = strlen(preg_replace('/[^\/]/', '', $notifpath)); switch ($notiftype) { case 'process': if ($lastnotifpath != $notifpath or $lastnotiftype != 'start') { $numerrors++; // Only start for same path from last notification is allowed before process } $notifpile[$notifpath] = 'process'; // Update the status in the pile break; case 'end': if ($lastpilepath != $notifpath or ($lastpiletype != 'process' and $lastpiletype != 'start')) { $numerrors++; // Only process and start for same path from last pile is allowed before end } unset($notifpile[$notifpath]); // Delete from the pile break; case 'start': if (array_key_exists($notifpath, $notifpile) or $notiflevel <= $lastpilelevel) { $numerrors++; // Only non existing in pile and with level > last pile is allowed on start } $notifpile[$notifpath] = 'start'; // Add to the pile break; default: $numerrors++; // Incorrect type of notification => error } // Update lastnotif $lastnotif = $notif; } return $numerrors; } } /* * helper processor able to perform various auto-cheks based on attributes while processing * the test1.xml file available in the fixtures dir. It performs these checks: * - name equal to "name" attribute of the tag (if present) * - level equal to "level" attribute of the tag (if present) * - path + tagname equal to "path" attribute of the tag (if present) * - cdata, if not empty is: * - equal to "value" attribute of the tag (if present) * - else, equal to tag name * * We pass the whole advanced_testcase object to the processor in order to be * able to perform the tests in the straight in the process */ class mock_auto_parser_processor extends progressive_parser_processor { private $utc = null; // To store the unit test case public function __construct($unit_test_case) { parent::__construct(); $this->utc = $unit_test_case; } public function process_chunk($data) { // Perform auto-checks based in the rules above if (isset($data['tags'])) { foreach ($data['tags'] as $tag) { if (isset($tag['attrs']['name'])) { // name tests $this->utc->assertEquals($tag['name'], $tag['attrs']['name']); } if (isset($tag['attrs']['level'])) { // level tests $this->utc->assertEquals($data['level'], $tag['attrs']['level']); } if (isset($tag['attrs']['path'])) { // path tests $this->utc->assertEquals(rtrim($data['path'], '/') . '/' . $tag['name'], $tag['attrs']['path']); } if (!empty($tag['cdata'])) { // cdata tests if (isset($tag['attrs']['value'])) { $this->utc->assertEquals($tag['cdata'], $tag['attrs']['value']); } else { $this->utc->assertEquals($tag['cdata'], $tag['name']); } } } } } } /* * helper processor that accumulates all the chunks, resturning them with the get_chunks() method */ class mock_parser_processor extends progressive_parser_processor { private $chunksarr = array(); // To accumulate the found chunks public function process_chunk($data) { $this->chunksarr[] = $data; } public function get_chunks() { return $this->chunksarr; } } /* * helper processor that accumulates simplified chunks, returning them with the get_chunks() method */ class mock_simplified_parser_processor extends simplified_parser_processor { private $chunksarr = array(); // To accumulate the found chunks private $startarr = array(); // To accumulate all the notified path starts private $endarr = array(); // To accumulate all the notified path ends private $allnotif = array(); // To accumulate all the notified and dispatched events in an ordered way public function dispatch_chunk($data) { $this->chunksarr[] = $data; $this->allnotif[] = 'process:' . $data['path']; } public function notify_path_start($path) { $this->startarr[] = $path; $this->allnotif[] = 'start:' . $path; } public function notify_path_end($path) { $this->endarr[] = $path; $this->allnotif[] = 'end:' . $path; } public function get_chunks() { return $this->chunksarr; } public function get_start_notifications() { return $this->startarr; } public function get_end_notifications() { return $this->endarr; } public function get_all_notifications() { return $this->allnotif; } } /* * helper processor that accumulates grouped chunks, returning them with the get_chunks() method */ class mock_grouped_parser_processor extends grouped_parser_processor { private $chunksarr = array(); // To accumulate the found chunks private $startarr = array(); // To accumulate all the notified path starts private $endarr = array(); // To accumulate all the notified path ends private $allnotif = array(); // To accumulate all the notified and dispatched events in an ordered way public function dispatch_chunk($data) { $this->chunksarr[] = $data; $this->allnotif[] = 'process:' . $data['path']; } public function notify_path_start($path) { $this->startarr[] = $path; $this->allnotif[] = 'start:' . $path; } public function notify_path_end($path) { $this->endarr[] = $path; $this->allnotif[] = 'end:' . $path; } public function get_chunks() { return $this->chunksarr; } public function get_start_notifications() { return $this->startarr; } public function get_end_notifications() { return $this->endarr; } public function get_all_notifications() { return $this->allnotif; } }