<?php // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. /** * Manifest management * * @package backup-convert * @subpackage cc-library * @copyright 2011 Darko Miletic <dmiletic@moodlerooms.com> * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once('cc_utils.php'); require_once('xmlbase.php'); require_once('cc_resources.php'); require_once('cc_version_base.php'); require_once('gral_lib/pathutils.php'); /** * Manifest Class * */ class cc_manifest extends XMLGenericDocument implements cc_i_manifest { private $ccversion = null; private $ccobj = null; private $rootmanifest = null; private $activemanifest = null; private $parentmanifest = null; private $parentparentmanifest = null; private $ares = array(); private $mainidentifier = null; public function __construct($ccver = cc_version::v1, $activemanifest=null, $parentmanifest=null, $parentparentmanifest=null) { if (is_int($ccver)) { $this->ccversion=$ccver; $classname = "cc_version{$ccver}"; $this->ccobj = new $classname; parent::__construct('UTF-8', true); } else if (is_object($ccver) && (get_class($ccver)=='cc_manifest')) { $this->doc = $ccver->doc; $this->rootmanifest = $ccver->rootmanifest; $this->activemanifest = $activemanifest; $this->parentmanifest = $parentmanifest; $this->parentparentmanifest = $parentparentmanifest; $this->ccversion = $ccver->ccversion; $this->ccobj = $ccver; $this->register_namespaces_for_xpath(); } } /** * Register Namespace for use XPATH * */ public function register_namespaces_for_xpath() { $scnam = $this->activemanifest->get_cc_namespaces(); foreach ($scnam as $key => $value) { $this->registerNS($key, $value); } } /** * TODO - implement this method - critical * Enter description here ... */ private function fill_manifest() { } /** * Add Metadata For Manifest * * @param cc_i_metadata_manifest $met */ public function add_metadata_manifest(cc_i_metadata_manifest $met) { $metanode = $this->node("//imscc:manifest[@identifier='". $this->activemanifest->manifestID(). "']/imscc:metadata"); $nmeta = $this->activemanifest->create_metadata_node($met, $this->doc, $metanode); $metanode->appendChild($nmeta); } /** * Add Metadata For Resource * * @param cc_i_metadata_resource $met * @param string $identifier */ public function add_metadata_resource(cc_i_metadata_resource $met, $identifier) { $metanode = $this->node("//imscc:resource". "[@identifier='". $identifier. "']"); $metanode2 = $this->node("//imscc:resource". "[@identifier='". $identifier. "']/imscc:file"); $nspaces = $this->activemanifest->get_cc_namespaces(); $dnode = $this->append_new_element_ns($metanode2, $nspaces['imscc'], 'metadata'); $this->activemanifest->create_metadata_resource_node($met, $this->doc, $dnode); } /** * Add Metadata For File * * @param cc_i_metadata_file $met * @param string $identifier * @param string $filename */ public function add_metadata_file(cc_i_metadata_file $met, $identifier, $filename) { if (empty($met) || empty($identifier) || empty($filename)) { throw new Exception('Try to add a metadata file with nulls values given!'); } $metanode = $this->node("//imscc:resource". "[@identifier='". $identifier. "']/imscc:file". "[@href='". $filename. "']"); $nspaces = $this->activemanifest->get_cc_namespaces(); $dnode = $this->doc->createElementNS($nspaces['imscc'], "metadata"); $metanode->appendChild($dnode); $this->activemanifest->create_metadata_file_node($met, $this->doc, $dnode); } public function on_create() { $this->activemanifest = cc_builder_creator::factory($this->ccversion); $this->rootmanifest = $this->activemanifest; $result = $this->activemanifest->create_manifest($this->doc); $this->register_namespaces_for_xpath(); return $result; } public function get_relative_base_path() { return $this->activemanifest->base(); } public function parent_manifest() { return new cc_manifest($this, $this->parentmanifest, $this->parentparentmanifest); } public function root_manifest() { return new cc_manifest($this, $this->rootmanifest); } public function manifestID() { return $this->activemanifest->manifestID(); } public function get_manifest_namespaces() { return $this->rootmanifest->get_cc_namespaces(); } /** * Add a new organization * * @param cc_i_organization $org */ public function add_new_organization(cc_i_organization &$org) { $norg = $this->activemanifest->create_organization_node($org, $this->doc); $orgnode = $this->node("//imscc:manifest[@identifier='". $this->activemanifest->manifestID(). "']/imscc:organizations"); $orgnode->appendChild($norg); } public function get_resources($searchspecific='') { $reslist = $this->get_resource_list($searchspecific); $resourcelist = array(); foreach ($reslist as $resourceitem) { $resourcelist[] = new cc_resource($this, $resourceitem); } return $resourcelist; } public function get_cc_namespace_path($nsname) { if (is_string($nsname) && (!empty($nsname))) { $scnam = $this->activemanifest->get_cc_namespaces(); return $scnam[$nsname]; } return null; } public function get_resource_list($searchspecific = '') { return $this->nodeList("//imscc:manifest[@identifier='". $this->activemanifest->manifestID(). "']/imscc:resources/imscc:resource".$searchspecific); } public function on_load() { $this->register_namespaces_for_xpath(); $this->fill_manifest(); return true; } public function on_save() { return true; } /** * Add a resource to the manifest * * @param cc_i_resource $res * @param string $identifier * @param string $type * @return array */ public function add_resource(cc_i_resource $res, $identifier = null, $type = 'webcontent') { if (!$this->ccobj->valid($type)) { throw new Exception("Type invalid..."); } if ($res == null) { throw new Exception('Invalid Resource or dont give it'); } $rst = $res; // TODO: This has to be reviewed since it does not handle multiple files properly. // Dependencies. if (is_object($identifier)) { $this->activemanifest->create_resource_node($rst, $this->doc, $identifier); } else { $nresnode = null; $rst->type = $type; if (!cc_helpers::is_html($rst->filename)) { $rst->href = null; } $this->activemanifest->create_resource_node($rst, $this->doc, $nresnode); foreach ($rst->files as $file) { $ident = $this->get_identifier_by_filename($file); if ($ident == null) { $newres = new cc_resource($rst->manifestroot, $file); if (!cc_helpers::is_html($file)) { $newres->href = null; } $newres->type = 'webcontent'; $this->activemanifest->create_resource_node($newres, $this->doc, $nresnode); } } } $tmparray = array($rst->identifier, $rst->files[0]); return $tmparray; } private function check_if_exist_in_other($name, $identifier) { $status = array(); foreach ($this->activemanifest->resources as $value) { if (($value->identifier != $identifier) && isset($value->files[$name])) { $status[] = $value->identifier; } } return $status; } private function replace_file_x_dependency($depen, $name) { foreach ($depen as $key => $value) { ($key); $ident = $this->get_identifier_by_filename($name); $this->activemanifest->resources[$value]->files = $this->array_remove_by_value($this->activemanifest->resources[$value]->files, $name); if (!in_array($ident, $this->activemanifest->resources[$value]->dependency)) { array_push($this->activemanifest->resources[$value]->dependency, $ident); } } return true; } private function get_identifier_by_filename($name) { $result = null; if (isset($this->activemanifest->resources_ind[$name])) { $result = $this->activemanifest->resources_ind[$name]; } return $result; } private function array_remove_by_value($arr, $value) { return array_values(array_diff($arr, array($value))); } private function array_remove_by_key($arr, $key) { return array_values(array_diff_key($arr, array($key))); } public function update_instructoronly($identifier, $value = false) { if (isset($this->activemanifest->resources[$identifier])) { $resource = $this->activemanifest->resources[$identifier]; $resource->instructoronly = $value; } } /** * Append the resources nodes in the Manifest * * @return DOMNode */ public function put_nodes() { $resnodestr = "//imscc:manifest[@identifier='".$this->activemanifest->manifestID(). "']/imscc:resources"; $resnode = $this->node($resnodestr); foreach ($this->activemanifest->resources as $k => $v) { ($k); $depen = $this->check_if_exist_in_other($v->files[0], $v->identifier); if (!empty($depen)) { $this->replace_file_x_dependency($depen, $v->files[0]); $v->type = 'webcontent'; } } foreach ($this->activemanifest->resources as $node) { $rnode = $this->activemanifest->create_resource_node($node, $this->doc, null); $resnode->appendChild($rnode); if ($node->instructoronly) { $metafileceduc = new cc_metadata_resouce_educational(); $metafileceduc->set_value(intended_user_role::INSTRUCTOR); $metafile = new cc_metadata_resouce(); $metafile->add_metadata_resource_educational($metafileceduc); $this->activemanifest->create_metadata_educational($metafile, $this->doc, $rnode); } } return $resnode; } }