. /** * Runs an analysis of the site. * * @package core_analytics * @copyright 2019 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_analytics; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Runs an analysis of the site. * * @package core_analytics * @copyright 2019 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class analysis { /** * @var \core_analytics\local\analyser\base */ private $analyser; /** * @var bool Whether to calculate the target or not in this run. */ private $includetarget; /** * @var \core_analytics\local\analysis\result */ private $result; /** * @var \core\lock\lock */ private $lock; /** * Constructor. * * @param \core_analytics\local\analyser\base $analyser * @param bool $includetarget Whether to calculate the target or not. * @param \core_analytics\local\analysis\result $result */ public function __construct(\core_analytics\local\analyser\base $analyser, bool $includetarget, \core_analytics\local\analysis\result $result) { $this->analyser = $analyser; $this->includetarget = $includetarget; $this->result = $result; // We cache the first time analysables were analysed because time-splitting methods can depend on these info. self::fill_firstanalyses_cache($this->analyser->get_modelid()); } /** * Runs the analysis. * * @param \context[] $contexts Restrict the analysis to these contexts. No context restrictions if null. * @return null */ public function run(array $contexts = []) { $options = $this->analyser->get_options(); // Time limit control. $modeltimelimit = intval(get_config('analytics', 'modeltimelimit')); if ($this->includetarget) { $action = 'training'; } else { $action = 'prediction'; } $analysables = $this->analyser->get_analysables_iterator($action, $contexts); $processedanalysables = $this->get_processed_analysables(); $inittime = microtime(true); foreach ($analysables as $analysable) { $processed = false; if (!$analysable) { continue; } $analysableresults = $this->process_analysable($analysable); if ($analysableresults) { $processed = $this->result->add_analysable_results($analysableresults); if (!$processed) { $errors = array(); foreach ($analysableresults as $timesplittingid => $result) { $str = ''; if (count($analysableresults) > 1) { $str .= $timesplittingid . ': '; } $str .= $result->message; $errors[] = $str; } $a = new \stdClass(); $a->analysableid = $analysable->get_name(); $a->errors = implode(', ', $errors); $this->analyser->add_log(get_string('analysablenotused', 'analytics', $a)); } } if (!$options['evaluation']) { if (empty($processedanalysables[$analysable->get_id()]) || $this->analyser->get_target()->always_update_analysis_time() || $processed) { // We store the list of processed analysables even if the target does not always_update_analysis_time(), // what always_update_analysis_time controls is the update of the data. $this->update_analysable_analysed_time($processedanalysables, $analysable->get_id()); } // Apply time limit. $timespent = microtime(true) - $inittime; if ($modeltimelimit <= $timespent) { break; } } } // Force GC to clean up the indicator instances used during the last iteration. $this->analyser->instantiate_indicators(); } /** * Get analysables that have been already processed. * * @return \stdClass[] */ protected function get_processed_analysables(): array { global $DB; $params = array('modelid' => $this->analyser->get_modelid()); $params['action'] = ($this->includetarget) ? 'training' : 'prediction'; $select = 'modelid = :modelid and action = :action'; // Weird select fields ordering for performance (analysableid key matching, analysableid is also unique by modelid). return $DB->get_records_select('analytics_used_analysables', $select, $params, 'timeanalysed DESC', 'analysableid, modelid, action, firstanalysis, timeanalysed, id AS primarykey'); } /** * Processes an analysable * * This method returns the general analysable status, an array of files by time splitting method and * an error message if there is any problem. * * @param \core_analytics\analysable $analysable * @return \stdClass[] Results objects by time splitting method */ public function process_analysable(\core_analytics\analysable $analysable): array { // Target instances scope is per-analysable (it can't be lower as calculations run once per // analysable, not time splitting method nor time range). $target = call_user_func(array($this->analyser->get_target(), 'instance')); // We need to check that the analysable is valid for the target even if we don't include targets // as we still need to discard invalid analysables for the target. $isvalidresult = $target->is_valid_analysable($analysable, $this->includetarget); if ($isvalidresult !== true) { $a = new \stdClass(); $a->analysableid = $analysable->get_name(); $a->result = $isvalidresult; $this->analyser->add_log(get_string('analysablenotvalidfortarget', 'analytics', $a)); return array(); } // Process all provided time splitting methods. $results = array(); foreach ($this->analyser->get_timesplittings() as $timesplitting) { $cachedresult = $this->result->retrieve_cached_result($timesplitting, $analysable); if ($cachedresult) { $result = new \stdClass(); $result->result = $cachedresult; $results[$timesplitting->get_id()] = $result; continue; } $results[$timesplitting->get_id()] = $this->process_time_splitting($timesplitting, $analysable, $target); } return $results; } /** * Processes the analysable samples using the provided time splitting method. * * @param \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting * @param \core_analytics\analysable $analysable * @param \core_analytics\local\target\base $target * @return \stdClass Results object. */ protected function process_time_splitting(\core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting, \core_analytics\analysable $analysable, \core_analytics\local\target\base $target): \stdClass { $options = $this->analyser->get_options(); $result = new \stdClass(); $timesplitting->set_modelid($this->analyser->get_modelid()); if (!$timesplitting->is_valid_analysable($analysable)) { $result->status = \core_analytics\model::ANALYSABLE_REJECTED_TIME_SPLITTING_METHOD; $result->message = get_string('invalidanalysablefortimesplitting', 'analytics', $timesplitting->get_name()); return $result; } $timesplitting->set_analysable($analysable); if (CLI_SCRIPT && !PHPUNIT_TEST) { mtrace('Analysing id "' . $analysable->get_id() . '" with "' . $timesplitting->get_name() . '" time splitting method...'); } // What is a sample is defined by the analyser, it can be an enrolment, a course, a user, a question // attempt... it is on what we will base indicators calculations. list($sampleids, $samplesdata) = $this->analyser->get_all_samples($analysable); if (count($sampleids) === 0) { $result->status = \core_analytics\model::ANALYSABLE_REJECTED_TIME_SPLITTING_METHOD; $result->message = get_string('nodata', 'analytics'); return $result; } if ($this->includetarget) { // All ranges are used when we are calculating data for training. $ranges = $timesplitting->get_training_ranges(); } else { // The latest range that has not yet been used for prediction (it depends on the time range where we are right now). $ranges = $timesplitting->get_most_recent_prediction_range(); } // There is no need to keep track of the evaluated samples and ranges as we always evaluate the whole dataset. if ($options['evaluation'] === false) { if (empty($ranges)) { $result->status = \core_analytics\model::ANALYSABLE_REJECTED_TIME_SPLITTING_METHOD; $result->message = get_string('noranges', 'analytics'); return $result; } // We skip all samples that are already part of a training dataset, even if they have not been used for prediction. if (!$target::based_on_assumptions()) { // Targets based on assumptions can not be trained. $this->filter_out_train_samples($sampleids, $timesplitting); } if (count($sampleids) === 0) { $result->status = \core_analytics\model::ANALYSABLE_REJECTED_TIME_SPLITTING_METHOD; $result->message = get_string('nonewdata', 'analytics'); return $result; } // Only when processing data for predictions. if (!$this->includetarget) { // We also filter out samples and ranges that have already been used for predictions. $predictsamplesrecord = $this->filter_out_prediction_samples_and_ranges($sampleids, $ranges, $timesplitting); } if (count($sampleids) === 0) { $result->status = \core_analytics\model::ANALYSABLE_REJECTED_TIME_SPLITTING_METHOD; $result->message = get_string('nonewdata', 'analytics'); return $result; } if (count($ranges) === 0) { $result->status = \core_analytics\model::ANALYSABLE_REJECTED_TIME_SPLITTING_METHOD; $result->message = get_string('nonewranges', 'analytics'); return $result; } } // Flag the model + analysable + timesplitting as being analysed (prevent concurrent executions). if (!$this->init_analysable_analysis($timesplitting->get_id(), $analysable->get_id())) { // If this model + analysable + timesplitting combination is being analysed we skip this process. $result->status = \core_analytics\model::NO_DATASET; $result->message = get_string('analysisinprogress', 'analytics'); return $result; } // Remove samples the target consider invalid. try { $target->add_sample_data($samplesdata); $target->filter_out_invalid_samples($sampleids, $analysable, $this->includetarget); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->finish_analysable_analysis(); throw $e; } if (!$sampleids) { $result->status = \core_analytics\model::NO_DATASET; $result->message = get_string('novalidsamples', 'analytics'); $this->finish_analysable_analysis(); return $result; } try { // Instantiate empty indicators to ensure that no garbage is dragged from previous analyses. $indicators = $this->analyser->instantiate_indicators(); foreach ($indicators as $key => $indicator) { // The analyser attaches the main entities the sample depends on and are provided to the // indicator to calculate the sample. $indicators[$key]->add_sample_data($samplesdata); } // Here we start the memory intensive process that will last until $data var is // unset (until the method is finished basically). $data = $this->calculate($timesplitting, $sampleids, $ranges, $target); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->finish_analysable_analysis(); throw $e; } if (!$data) { $result->status = \core_analytics\model::ANALYSABLE_REJECTED_TIME_SPLITTING_METHOD; $result->message = get_string('novaliddata', 'analytics'); $this->finish_analysable_analysis(); return $result; } try { // No need to keep track of analysed stuff when evaluating. if ($options['evaluation'] === false) { // Save the samples that have been already analysed so they are not analysed again in future. if ($this->includetarget) { $this->save_train_samples($sampleids, $timesplitting); } else { // The variable $predictsamplesrecord will always be set as filter_out_prediction_samples_and_ranges // will always be called before it (no evaluation mode and no includetarget). $this->save_prediction_samples($sampleids, $ranges, $timesplitting, $predictsamplesrecord); } } // We need to pass all the analysis data. $formattedresult = $this->result->format_result($data, $target, $timesplitting, $analysable); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->finish_analysable_analysis(); throw $e; } if (!$formattedresult) { $this->finish_analysable_analysis(); throw new \moodle_exception('errorcannotwritedataset', 'analytics'); } $result->status = \core_analytics\model::OK; $result->message = get_string('successfullyanalysed', 'analytics'); $result->result = $formattedresult; // Flag the model + analysable + timesplitting as analysed. $this->finish_analysable_analysis(); return $result; } /** * Calculates indicators and targets. * * @param \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting * @param array $sampleids * @param array $ranges * @param \core_analytics\local\target\base $target * @return array|null */ public function calculate(\core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting, array &$sampleids, array $ranges, \core_analytics\local\target\base $target): ?array { $calculatedtarget = null; if ($this->includetarget) { // We first calculate the target because analysable data may still be invalid or none // of the analysable samples may be valid. $calculatedtarget = $target->calculate($sampleids, $timesplitting->get_analysable()); // We remove samples we can not calculate their target. $sampleids = array_filter($sampleids, function($sampleid) use ($calculatedtarget) { if (is_null($calculatedtarget[$sampleid])) { return false; } return true; }); } // No need to continue calculating if the target couldn't be calculated for any sample. if (empty($sampleids)) { return null; } $dataset = $this->calculate_indicators($timesplitting, $sampleids, $ranges); if (empty($dataset)) { return null; } // Now that we have the indicators in place we can add the time range indicators (and target if provided) to each of them. $this->fill_dataset($timesplitting, $dataset, $calculatedtarget); $this->add_context_metadata($timesplitting, $dataset, $target); if (!PHPUNIT_TEST && CLI_SCRIPT) { echo PHP_EOL; } return $dataset; } /** * Calculates indicators. * * @param \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting * @param array $sampleids * @param array $ranges * @return array */ protected function calculate_indicators(\core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting, array $sampleids, array $ranges): array { global $DB; $options = $this->analyser->get_options(); $dataset = array(); // Faster to run 1 db query per range. $existingcalculations = array(); if ($timesplitting->cache_indicator_calculations()) { foreach ($ranges as $rangeindex => $range) { // Load existing calculations. $existingcalculations[$rangeindex] = \core_analytics\manager::get_indicator_calculations( $timesplitting->get_analysable(), $range['start'], $range['end'], $this->analyser->get_samples_origin()); } } // Here we store samples which calculations are not all null. $notnulls = array(); // Fill the dataset samples with indicators data. $newcalculations = array(); foreach ($this->analyser->get_indicators() as $indicator) { // Hook to allow indicators to store analysable-dependant data. $indicator->fill_per_analysable_caches($timesplitting->get_analysable()); // Per-range calculations. foreach ($ranges as $rangeindex => $range) { // Indicator instances are per-range. $rangeindicator = clone $indicator; $prevcalculations = array(); if (!empty($existingcalculations[$rangeindex][$rangeindicator->get_id()])) { $prevcalculations = $existingcalculations[$rangeindex][$rangeindicator->get_id()]; } // Calculate the indicator for each sample in this time range. list($samplesfeatures, $newindicatorcalculations, $indicatornotnulls) = $rangeindicator->calculate($sampleids, $this->analyser->get_samples_origin(), $range['start'], $range['end'], $prevcalculations); // Associate the extra data generated by the indicator to this range index. $rangeindicator->save_calculation_info($timesplitting, $rangeindex); // Free memory ASAP. unset($rangeindicator); gc_collect_cycles(); gc_mem_caches(); // Copy the features data to the dataset. foreach ($samplesfeatures as $analysersampleid => $features) { $uniquesampleid = $timesplitting->append_rangeindex($analysersampleid, $rangeindex); if (!isset($notnulls[$uniquesampleid]) && !empty($indicatornotnulls[$analysersampleid])) { $notnulls[$uniquesampleid] = $uniquesampleid; } // Init the sample if it is still empty. if (!isset($dataset[$uniquesampleid])) { $dataset[$uniquesampleid] = array(); } // Append the features indicator features at the end of the sample. $dataset[$uniquesampleid] = array_merge($dataset[$uniquesampleid], $features); } if (!$options['evaluation'] && $timesplitting->cache_indicator_calculations()) { $timecreated = time(); foreach ($newindicatorcalculations as $sampleid => $calculatedvalue) { // Prepare the new calculations to be stored into DB. $indcalc = new \stdClass(); $indcalc->contextid = $timesplitting->get_analysable()->get_context()->id; $indcalc->starttime = $range['start']; $indcalc->endtime = $range['end']; $indcalc->sampleid = $sampleid; $indcalc->sampleorigin = $this->analyser->get_samples_origin(); $indcalc->indicator = $indicator->get_id(); $indcalc->value = $calculatedvalue; $indcalc->timecreated = $timecreated; $newcalculations[] = $indcalc; } } } if (!$options['evaluation'] && $timesplitting->cache_indicator_calculations()) { $batchsize = self::get_insert_batch_size(); if (count($newcalculations) > $batchsize) { // We don't want newcalculations array to grow too much as we already keep the // system memory busy storing $dataset contents. // Insert from the beginning. $remaining = array_splice($newcalculations, $batchsize); // Sorry mssql and oracle, this will be slow. $DB->insert_records('analytics_indicator_calc', $newcalculations); $newcalculations = $remaining; } } } if (!$options['evaluation'] && $timesplitting->cache_indicator_calculations() && $newcalculations) { // Insert the remaining records. $DB->insert_records('analytics_indicator_calc', $newcalculations); } // Delete rows where all calculations are null. // We still store the indicator calculation and we still store the sample id as // processed so we don't have to process this sample again, but we exclude it // from the dataset because it is not useful. $nulls = array_diff_key($dataset, $notnulls); foreach ($nulls as $uniqueid => $ignoredvalues) { unset($dataset[$uniqueid]); } return $dataset; } /** * Adds time range indicators and the target to each sample. * * This will identify the sample as belonging to a specific range. * * @param \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting * @param array $dataset * @param array|null $calculatedtarget * @return null */ protected function fill_dataset(\core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting, array &$dataset, ?array $calculatedtarget = null) { $nranges = count($timesplitting->get_distinct_ranges()); foreach ($dataset as $uniquesampleid => $unmodified) { list($analysersampleid, $rangeindex) = $timesplitting->infer_sample_info($uniquesampleid); // No need to add range features if this time splitting method only defines one time range. if ($nranges > 1) { // 1 column for each range. $timeindicators = array_fill(0, $nranges, 0); $timeindicators[$rangeindex] = 1; $dataset[$uniquesampleid] = array_merge($timeindicators, $dataset[$uniquesampleid]); } if ($calculatedtarget) { // Add this sampleid's calculated target and the end. $dataset[$uniquesampleid][] = $calculatedtarget[$analysersampleid]; } else { // Add this sampleid, it will be used to identify the prediction that comes back from // the predictions processor. array_unshift($dataset[$uniquesampleid], $uniquesampleid); } } } /** * Updates the analysable analysis time. * * @param array $processedanalysables * @param int $analysableid * @return null */ protected function update_analysable_analysed_time(array $processedanalysables, int $analysableid) { global $DB; $now = time(); if (!empty($processedanalysables[$analysableid])) { $obj = $processedanalysables[$analysableid]; $obj->id = $obj->primarykey; unset($obj->primarykey); $obj->timeanalysed = $now; $DB->update_record('analytics_used_analysables', $obj); } else { $obj = new \stdClass(); $obj->modelid = $this->analyser->get_modelid(); $obj->action = ($this->includetarget) ? 'training' : 'prediction'; $obj->analysableid = $analysableid; $obj->firstanalysis = $now; $obj->timeanalysed = $now; $obj->primarykey = $DB->insert_record('analytics_used_analysables', $obj); // Update the cache just in case it is used in the same request. $key = $this->analyser->get_modelid() . '_' . $analysableid; $cache = \cache::make('core', 'modelfirstanalyses'); $cache->set($key, $now); } } /** * Fills a cache containing the first time each analysable in the provided model was analysed. * * @param int $modelid * @param int|null $analysableid * @return null */ public static function fill_firstanalyses_cache(int $modelid, ?int $analysableid = null) { global $DB; // Using composed keys instead of cache $identifiers because of MDL-65358. $primarykey = $DB->sql_concat($modelid, "'_'", 'analysableid'); $sql = "SELECT $primarykey AS id, MIN(firstanalysis) AS firstanalysis FROM {analytics_used_analysables} aua WHERE modelid = :modelid"; $params = ['modelid' => $modelid]; if ($analysableid) { $sql .= " AND analysableid = :analysableid"; $params['analysableid'] = $analysableid; } $sql .= " GROUP BY modelid, analysableid ORDER BY analysableid"; $firstanalyses = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); if ($firstanalyses) { $cache = \cache::make('core', 'modelfirstanalyses'); $firstanalyses = array_map(function($record) { return $record->firstanalysis; }, $firstanalyses); $cache->set_many($firstanalyses); } return $firstanalyses; } /** * Adds dataset context info. * * The final dataset document will look like this: * ---------------------------------------------------- * metadata1,metadata2,metadata3,..... * value1, value2, value3,..... * * header1,header2,header3,header4,..... * stud1value1,stud1value2,stud1value3,stud1value4,..... * stud2value1,stud2value2,stud2value3,stud2value4,..... * ..... * ---------------------------------------------------- * * @param \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting * @param array $dataset * @param \core_analytics\local\target\base $target * @return null */ protected function add_context_metadata(\core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting, array &$dataset, \core_analytics\local\target\base $target) { $headers = $this->get_headers($timesplitting, $target); // This will also reset samples' dataset keys. array_unshift($dataset, $headers); } /** * Returns the headers for the csv file based on the indicators and the target. * * @param \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting * @param \core_analytics\local\target\base $target * @return string[] */ public function get_headers(\core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting, \core_analytics\local\target\base $target): array { // 3rd column will contain the indicator ids. $headers = array(); if (!$this->includetarget) { // The first column is the sampleid. $headers[] = 'sampleid'; } // We always have 1 column for each time splitting method range, it does not depend on how // many ranges we calculated. $ranges = $timesplitting->get_distinct_ranges(); if (count($ranges) > 1) { foreach ($ranges as $rangeindex) { $headers[] = 'range/' . $rangeindex; } } // Model indicators. foreach ($this->analyser->get_indicators() as $indicator) { $headers = array_merge($headers, $indicator::get_feature_headers()); } // The target as well. if ($this->includetarget) { $headers[] = $target->get_id(); } return $headers; } /** * Filters out samples that have already been used for training. * * @param int[] $sampleids * @param \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting * @return null */ protected function filter_out_train_samples(array &$sampleids, \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting) { global $DB; $params = array('modelid' => $this->analyser->get_modelid(), 'analysableid' => $timesplitting->get_analysable()->get_id(), 'timesplitting' => $timesplitting->get_id()); $trainingsamples = $DB->get_records('analytics_train_samples', $params); // Skip each file trained samples. foreach ($trainingsamples as $trainingfile) { $usedsamples = json_decode($trainingfile->sampleids, true); if (!empty($usedsamples)) { // Reset $sampleids to $sampleids minus this file's $usedsamples. $sampleids = array_diff_key($sampleids, $usedsamples); } } } /** * Filters out samples that have already been used for prediction. * * @param int[] $sampleids * @param array $ranges * @param \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting * @return \stdClass|null The analytics_predict_samples record or null */ protected function filter_out_prediction_samples_and_ranges(array &$sampleids, array &$ranges, \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting) { if (count($ranges) > 1) { throw new \coding_exception('$ranges argument should only contain one range'); } $rangeindex = key($ranges); $predictedrange = $this->get_predict_samples_record($timesplitting, $rangeindex); if (!$predictedrange) { // Nothing to filter out. return null; } $predictedrange->sampleids = json_decode($predictedrange->sampleids, true); $missingsamples = array_diff_key($sampleids, $predictedrange->sampleids); if (count($missingsamples) === 0) { // All samples already calculated. unset($ranges[$rangeindex]); return null; } // Replace the list of samples by the one excluding samples that already got predictions at this range. $sampleids = $missingsamples; return $predictedrange; } /** * Returns a predict samples record. * * @param \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting * @param int $rangeindex * @return \stdClass|false */ private function get_predict_samples_record(\core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting, int $rangeindex) { global $DB; $params = array('modelid' => $this->analyser->get_modelid(), 'analysableid' => $timesplitting->get_analysable()->get_id(), 'timesplitting' => $timesplitting->get_id(), 'rangeindex' => $rangeindex); $predictedrange = $DB->get_record('analytics_predict_samples', $params); return $predictedrange; } /** * Saves samples that have just been used for training. * * @param int[] $sampleids * @param \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting * @return null */ protected function save_train_samples(array $sampleids, \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting) { global $DB; $trainingsamples = new \stdClass(); $trainingsamples->modelid = $this->analyser->get_modelid(); $trainingsamples->analysableid = $timesplitting->get_analysable()->get_id(); $trainingsamples->timesplitting = $timesplitting->get_id(); $trainingsamples->sampleids = json_encode($sampleids); $trainingsamples->timecreated = time(); $DB->insert_record('analytics_train_samples', $trainingsamples); } /** * Saves samples that have just been used for prediction. * * @param int[] $sampleids * @param array $ranges * @param \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting * @param \stdClass|null $predictsamplesrecord The existing record or null if there is no record yet. * @return null */ protected function save_prediction_samples(array $sampleids, array $ranges, \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base $timesplitting, ?\stdClass $predictsamplesrecord = null) { global $DB; if (count($ranges) > 1) { throw new \coding_exception('$ranges argument should only contain one range'); } $rangeindex = key($ranges); if ($predictsamplesrecord) { // Append the new samples used for prediction. $predictsamplesrecord->sampleids = json_encode($predictsamplesrecord->sampleids + $sampleids); $predictsamplesrecord->timemodified = time(); $DB->update_record('analytics_predict_samples', $predictsamplesrecord); } else { $predictsamplesrecord = (object)[ 'modelid' => $this->analyser->get_modelid(), 'analysableid' => $timesplitting->get_analysable()->get_id(), 'timesplitting' => $timesplitting->get_id(), 'rangeindex' => $rangeindex ]; $predictsamplesrecord->sampleids = json_encode($sampleids); $predictsamplesrecord->timecreated = time(); $predictsamplesrecord->timemodified = $predictsamplesrecord->timecreated; $DB->insert_record('analytics_predict_samples', $predictsamplesrecord); } } /** * Flags the analysable element as in-analysis and stores a lock for it. * * @param string $timesplittingid * @param int $analysableid * @return bool Success or not */ private function init_analysable_analysis(string $timesplittingid, int $analysableid) { // Do not include $this->includetarget as we don't want the same analysable to be analysed for training // and prediction at the same time. $lockkey = 'modelid:' . $this->analyser->get_modelid() . '-analysableid:' . $analysableid . '-timesplitting:' . self::clean_time_splitting_id($timesplittingid); // Large timeout as processes may be quite long. $lockfactory = \core\lock\lock_config::get_lock_factory('core_analytics'); // If it is not ready in 10 secs skip this model + analysable + timesplittingmethod combination // it will attempt it again during next cron run. if (!$this->lock = $lockfactory->get_lock($lockkey, 10)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Remove all possibly problematic chars from the time splitting method id (id = its full class name). * * @param string $timesplittingid * @return string */ public static function clean_time_splitting_id($timesplittingid) { $timesplittingid = str_replace('\\', '-', $timesplittingid); return clean_param($timesplittingid, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); } /** * Mark the currently analysed analysable+timesplitting as analysed. * * @return null */ private function finish_analysable_analysis() { $this->lock->release(); } /** * Returns the batch size used for insert_records. * * This method tries to find the best batch size without getting * into dml internals. Maximum 1000 records to save memory. * * @return int */ private static function get_insert_batch_size(): int { global $DB; $dbconfig = $DB->export_dbconfig(); // 500 is pgsql default so using 1000 is fine, no other db driver uses a hardcoded value. if (empty($dbconfig) || empty($dbconfig->dboptions) || empty($dbconfig->dboptions['bulkinsertsize'])) { return 1000; } $bulkinsert = $dbconfig->dboptions['bulkinsertsize']; if ($bulkinsert < 1000) { return $bulkinsert; } while ($bulkinsert > 1000) { $bulkinsert = round($bulkinsert / 2, 0); } return (int)$bulkinsert; } }