. /** * Tour helper. * * @package tool_usertours * @copyright 2016 Andrew Nicols * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace tool_usertours; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Tour helper. * * @copyright 2016 Andrew Nicols * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class helper { /** * @var MOVE_UP */ const MOVE_UP = -1; /** * @var MOVE_DOWN */ const MOVE_DOWN = 1; /** * @var boolean Has it been bootstrapped? */ private static $bootstrapped = false; /** * Get the link to edit the step. * * If no stepid is specified, then a link to create a new step is provided. The $targettype must be specified in this case. * * @param int $tourid The tour that the step belongs to. * @param int $stepid The step ID. * @param int $targettype The type of step. * * @return moodle_url */ public static function get_edit_step_link($tourid, $stepid = null, $targettype = null) { $link = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php'); if ($stepid) { $link->param('action', manager::ACTION_EDITSTEP); $link->param('id', $stepid); } else { $link->param('action', manager::ACTION_NEWSTEP); $link->param('tourid', $tourid); } return $link; } /** * Get the link to move the tour. * * @param int $tourid The tour ID. * @param int $direction The direction to move in * * @return moodle_url */ public static function get_move_tour_link($tourid, $direction = self::MOVE_DOWN) { $link = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php'); $link->param('action', manager::ACTION_MOVETOUR); $link->param('id', $tourid); $link->param('direction', $direction); $link->param('sesskey', sesskey()); return $link; } /** * Get the link to move the step. * * @param int $stepid The step ID. * @param int $direction The direction to move in * * @return moodle_url */ public static function get_move_step_link($stepid, $direction = self::MOVE_DOWN) { $link = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php'); $link->param('action', manager::ACTION_MOVESTEP); $link->param('id', $stepid); $link->param('direction', $direction); $link->param('sesskey', sesskey()); return $link; } /** * Get the link ot create a new step. * * @param int $tourid The ID of the tour to attach this step to. * @param int $targettype The type of target. * * @return moodle_url The required URL. */ public static function get_new_step_link($tourid, $targettype = null) { $link = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php'); $link->param('action', manager::ACTION_NEWSTEP); $link->param('tourid', $tourid); $link->param('targettype', $targettype); return $link; } /** * Get the link used to view the tour. * * @param int $tourid The ID of the tour to display. * @return moodle_url The URL. */ public static function get_view_tour_link($tourid) { return new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php', [ 'id' => $tourid, 'action' => manager::ACTION_VIEWTOUR, ]); } /** * Get the link used to reset the tour state for all users. * * @param int $tourid The ID of the tour to display. * @return moodle_url The URL. */ public static function get_reset_tour_for_all_link($tourid) { return new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php', [ 'id' => $tourid, 'action' => manager::ACTION_RESETFORALL, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), ]); } /** * Get the link used to edit the tour. * * @param int $tourid The ID of the tour to edit. * @return moodle_url The URL. */ public static function get_edit_tour_link($tourid = null) { $link = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php'); if ($tourid) { $link->param('action', manager::ACTION_EDITTOUR); $link->param('id', $tourid); } else { $link->param('action', manager::ACTION_NEWTOUR); } return $link; } /** * Get the link used to import the tour. * * @return moodle_url The URL. */ public static function get_import_tour_link() { $link = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php', [ 'action' => manager::ACTION_IMPORTTOUR, ]); return $link; } /** * Get the link used to export the tour. * * @param int $tourid The ID of the tour to export. * @return moodle_url The URL. */ public static function get_export_tour_link($tourid) { $link = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php', [ 'action' => manager::ACTION_EXPORTTOUR, 'id' => $tourid, ]); return $link; } /** * Get the link used to duplicate the tour. * * @param int $tourid The ID of the tour to duplicate. * @return moodle_url The URL. */ public static function get_duplicate_tour_link($tourid) { $link = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php', [ 'action' => manager::ACTION_DUPLICATETOUR, 'id' => $tourid, ]); return $link; } /** * Get the link used to delete the tour. * * @param int $tourid The ID of the tour to delete. * @return moodle_url The URL. */ public static function get_delete_tour_link($tourid) { return new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php', [ 'id' => $tourid, 'action' => manager::ACTION_DELETETOUR, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), ]); } /** * Get the link for listing tours. * * @return moodle_url The URL. */ public static function get_list_tour_link() { $link = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php'); $link->param('action', manager::ACTION_LISTTOURS); return $link; } /** * Get a filler icon for display in the actions column of a table. * * @param string $url The URL for the icon. * @param string $icon The icon identifier. * @param string $alt The alt text for the icon. * @param string $iconcomponent The icon component. * @param array $options Display options. * @return string */ public static function format_icon_link($url, $icon, $alt, $iconcomponent = 'moodle', $options = array()) { global $OUTPUT; return $OUTPUT->action_icon( $url, new \pix_icon($icon, $alt, $iconcomponent, [ 'title' => $alt, ]), null, $options ); } /** * Get a filler icon for display in the actions column of a table. * * @param array $options Display options. * @return string */ public static function get_filler_icon($options = array()) { global $OUTPUT; return \html_writer::span( $OUTPUT->pix_icon('t/filler', '', 'tool_usertours', $options), 'action-icon' ); } /** * Get the link for deleting steps. * * @param int $stepid The ID of the step to display. * @return moodle_url The URL. */ public static function get_delete_step_link($stepid) { return new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/usertours/configure.php', [ 'action' => manager::ACTION_DELETESTEP, 'id' => $stepid, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), ]); } /** * Render the inplace editable used to edit the tour name. * * @param tour $tour The tour to edit. * @return string */ public static function render_tourname_inplace_editable(tour $tour) { return new \core\output\inplace_editable( 'tool_usertours', 'tourname', $tour->get_id(), true, \html_writer::link( $tour->get_view_link(), $tour->get_name() ), $tour->get_name() ); } /** * Render the inplace editable used to edit the tour description. * * @param tour $tour The tour to edit. * @return string */ public static function render_tourdescription_inplace_editable(tour $tour) { return new \core\output\inplace_editable( 'tool_usertours', 'tourdescription', $tour->get_id(), true, $tour->get_description(), $tour->get_description() ); } /** * Render the inplace editable used to edit the tour enable state. * * @param tour $tour The tour to edit. * @return string */ public static function render_tourenabled_inplace_editable(tour $tour) { global $OUTPUT; if ($tour->is_enabled()) { $icon = 't/hide'; $alt = get_string('disable'); $value = 1; } else { $icon = 't/show'; $alt = get_string('enable'); $value = 0; } $editable = new \core\output\inplace_editable( 'tool_usertours', 'tourenabled', $tour->get_id(), true, $OUTPUT->pix_icon($icon, $alt, 'moodle', [ 'title' => $alt, ]), $value ); $editable->set_type_toggle(); return $editable; } /** * Render the inplace editable used to edit the step name. * * @param step $step The step to edit. * @return string */ public static function render_stepname_inplace_editable(step $step) { $title = format_text(step::get_string_from_input($step->get_title()), FORMAT_HTML); return new \core\output\inplace_editable( 'tool_usertours', 'stepname', $step->get_id(), true, \html_writer::link( $step->get_edit_link(), $title ), $step->get_title() ); } /** * Get all of the tours. * * @return stdClass[] */ public static function get_tours() { global $DB; $tours = $DB->get_records('tool_usertours_tours', array(), 'sortorder ASC'); $return = []; foreach ($tours as $tour) { $return[$tour->id] = tour::load_from_record($tour); } return $return; } /** * Get the specified tour. * * @param int $tourid The tour that the step belongs to. * @return stdClass */ public static function get_tour($tourid) { return tour::instance($tourid); } /** * Fetch the tour with the specified sortorder. * * @param int $sortorder The sortorder of the tour. * @return tour */ public static function get_tour_from_sortorder($sortorder) { global $DB; $tour = $DB->get_record('tool_usertours_tours', array('sortorder' => $sortorder)); return tour::load_from_record($tour); } /** * Return the count of all tours. * * @return int */ public static function count_tours() { global $DB; return $DB->count_records('tool_usertours_tours'); } /** * Reset the sortorder for all tours. */ public static function reset_tour_sortorder() { global $DB; $tours = $DB->get_records('tool_usertours_tours', null, 'sortorder ASC, pathmatch DESC', 'id, sortorder'); $index = 0; foreach ($tours as $tour) { if ($tour->sortorder != $index) { $DB->set_field('tool_usertours_tours', 'sortorder', $index, array('id' => $tour->id)); } $index++; } // Notify the cache that a tour has changed. // Tours are only stored in the cache if there are steps. // If there step count has changed for some reason, this will change the potential cache results. cache::notify_tour_change(); } /** * Get all of the steps in the tour. * * @param int $tourid The tour that the step belongs to. * @return stdClass[] */ public static function get_steps($tourid) { $steps = cache::get_stepdata($tourid); $return = []; foreach ($steps as $step) { $return[$step->id] = step::load_from_record($step); } return $return; } /** * Fetch the specified step. * * @param int $stepid The id of the step to fetch. * @return step */ public static function get_step($stepid) { return step::instance($stepid); } /** * Fetch the step with the specified sortorder. * * @param int $tourid The tour that the step belongs to. * @param int $sortorder The sortorder of the step. * @return step */ public static function get_step_from_sortorder($tourid, $sortorder) { global $DB; $step = $DB->get_record('tool_usertours_steps', array('tourid' => $tourid, 'sortorder' => $sortorder)); return step::load_from_record($step); } /** * Handle addition of the tour into the current page. */ public static function bootstrap() { global $PAGE; if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) { return; } if (in_array($PAGE->pagelayout, ['maintenance', 'print', 'redirect'])) { // Do not try to show user tours inside iframe, in maintenance mode, // when printing, or during redirects. return; } if (self::$bootstrapped) { return; } self::$bootstrapped = true; if ($tour = manager::get_current_tour()) { $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('tool_usertours/usertours', 'init', [ $tour->get_id(), $tour->should_show_for_user(), $PAGE->context->id, ]); } } /** * Add the reset link to the current page. */ public static function bootstrap_reset() { if (manager::get_current_tour()) { echo \html_writer::link('', get_string('resettouronpage', 'tool_usertours'), [ 'data-action' => 'tool_usertours/resetpagetour', ]); } } /** * Get a list of all possible filters. * * @return array */ public static function get_all_filters() { $filters = \core_component::get_component_classes_in_namespace('tool_usertours', 'local\filter'); $filters = array_keys($filters); $filters = array_filter($filters, function($filterclass) { $rc = new \ReflectionClass($filterclass); return $rc->isInstantiable(); }); return $filters; } }