. /** * Unit tests for the import_processor class. * * @package tool_moodlenet * @category test * @copyright 2020 Jake Dallimore * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace tool_moodlenet\local\tests; use tool_moodlenet\local\import_handler_registry; use tool_moodlenet\local\import_processor; use tool_moodlenet\local\import_strategy_file; use tool_moodlenet\local\import_strategy_link; use tool_moodlenet\local\remote_resource; use tool_moodlenet\local\url; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Class tool_moodlenet_import_processor_testcase, providing test cases for the import_processor class. */ class tool_moodlenet_import_processor_testcase extends \advanced_testcase { /** * An integration test, this confirms the ability to construct an import processor and run the import for the current user. */ public function test_process_valid_resource() { $this->resetAfterTest(); // Set up a user as a teacher in a course. $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'editingteacher'); $section = 0; $this->setUser($teacher); // Set up the import, using a mod_resource handler for the html extension. $resourceurl = $this->getExternalTestFileUrl('/test.html'); $remoteresource = new remote_resource( new \curl(), new url($resourceurl), (object) [ 'name' => 'Resource name', 'description' => 'Resource description' ] ); $handlerregistry = new import_handler_registry($course, $teacher); $handlerinfo = $handlerregistry->get_resource_handler_for_mod_and_strategy($remoteresource, 'resource', new import_strategy_file()); $importproc = new import_processor($course, $section, $remoteresource, $handlerinfo, $handlerregistry); // Import the file. $importproc->process(); // Verify there is a new mod_resource created with correct name, description and containing the test.html file. $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course, $teacher->id); $cms = $modinfo->get_instances(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('resource', $cms); $cminfo = array_shift($cms['resource']); $this->assertEquals('Resource name', $cminfo->get_formatted_name()); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('', $cminfo->id, 0, false, MUST_EXIST); list($cm, $context, $module, $data, $cw) = get_moduleinfo_data($cminfo, $course); $this->assertEquals($remoteresource->get_description(), $data->intro); $fs = get_file_storage(); $files = $fs->get_area_files(\context_module::instance($cminfo->id)->id, 'mod_resource', 'content', false, 'sortorder DESC, id ASC', false); $file = reset($files); $this->assertEquals('test.html', $file->get_filename()); $this->assertEquals('text/html', $file->get_mimetype()); } /** * Test confirming that an exception is thrown when trying to process a resource which does not exist. */ public function test_process_invalid_resource() { $this->resetAfterTest(); // Set up a user as a teacher in a course. $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'editingteacher'); $section = 0; $this->setUser($teacher); // Set up the import, using a mod_resource handler for the html extension. $resourceurl = $this->getExternalTestFileUrl('/test.htmlzz'); $remoteresource = new remote_resource( new \curl(), new url($resourceurl), (object) [ 'name' => 'Resource name', 'description' => 'Resource description' ] ); $handlerregistry = new import_handler_registry($course, $teacher); $handlerinfo = $handlerregistry->get_resource_handler_for_mod_and_strategy($remoteresource, 'resource', new import_strategy_file()); $importproc = new import_processor($course, $section, $remoteresource, $handlerinfo, $handlerregistry); // Import the file. $this->expectException(\coding_exception::class); $importproc->process(); } /** * Test confirming that imports can be completed using alternative import strategies. */ public function test_process_alternative_import_strategies() { $this->resetAfterTest(); // Set up a user as a teacher in a course. $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'editingteacher'); $section = 0; $this->setUser($teacher); // Set up the import, using a mod_url handler and the link import strategy. $remoteresource = new remote_resource( new \curl(), new url('http://example.com/cats.pdf'), (object) [ 'name' => 'Resource name', 'description' => 'Resource description' ] ); $handlerregistry = new import_handler_registry($course, $teacher); $handlerinfo = $handlerregistry->get_resource_handler_for_mod_and_strategy($remoteresource, 'url', new import_strategy_link()); $importproc = new import_processor($course, $section, $remoteresource, $handlerinfo, $handlerregistry); // Import the resource as a link. $importproc->process(); // Verify there is a new mod_url created with name 'cats' and containing the URL of the resource. $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course, $teacher->id); $cms = $modinfo->get_instances(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('url', $cms); $cminfo = array_shift($cms['url']); $this->assertEquals('Resource name', $cminfo->get_formatted_name()); } }