. /** * Strings for the tool_moodlenet component. * * @package tool_moodlenet * @category string * @copyright 2020 Jake Dallimore * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); $string['addingaresource'] = 'Adding content from MoodleNet'; $string['aria:enterprofile'] = "Enter your MoodleNet profile URL"; $string['aria:footermessage'] = "Browse for content on MoodleNet"; $string['browsecontentmoodlenet'] = "Or browse for content on MoodleNet"; $string['clearsearch'] = "Clear search"; $string['connectandbrowse'] = "Connect to and browse:"; $string['defaultmoodlenet'] = 'MoodleNet URL'; $string['defaultmoodlenet_desc'] = 'The URL of the MoodleNet instance available via the activity chooser.'; $string['defaultmoodlenetname'] = "MoodleNet instance name"; $string['defaultmoodlenetnamevalue'] = 'MoodleNet Central'; $string['defaultmoodlenetname_desc'] = 'The name of the MoodleNet instance available via the activity chooser.'; $string['enablemoodlenet'] = 'Enable MoodleNet integration'; $string['enablemoodlenet_desc'] = 'If enabled, a user with the capability to create and manage activities can browse MoodleNet via the activity chooser and import MoodleNet resources into their course. In addition, a user with the capability to restore backups can select a backup file on MoodleNet and restore it into Moodle.'; $string['errorduringdownload'] = 'An error occurred while downloading the file: {$a}'; $string['forminfo'] = 'Your MoodleNet profile will be automatically saved in your profile on this site.'; $string['footermessage'] = "Or browse for content on"; $string['instancedescription'] = "MoodleNet is an open social media platform for educators, with a focus on the collaborative curation of collections of open resources. "; $string['instanceplaceholder'] = '@yourprofile@moodle.net'; $string['inputhelp'] = 'Or if you have a MoodleNet account already, enter your MoodleNet profile:'; $string['invalidmoodlenetprofile'] = '$userprofile is not correctly formatted'; $string['importconfirm'] = 'You are about to import the content "{$a->resourcename} ({$a->resourcetype})" into the course "{$a->coursename}". Are you sure you want to continue?'; $string['importconfirmnocourse'] = 'You are about to import the content "{$a->resourcename} ({$a->resourcetype})" into your site. Are you sure you want to continue?'; $string['importformatselectguidingtext'] = 'In which format would you like the content "{$a->name} ({$a->type})" to be added to your course?'; $string['importformatselectheader'] = 'Choose the content display format'; $string['missinginvalidpostdata'] = 'The resource information from MoodleNet is either missing, or is in an incorrect format. If this happens repeatedly, please contact the site administrator.'; $string['mnetprofile'] = 'MoodleNet profile'; $string['mnetprofiledesc'] = '

Enter your MoodleNet profile details here to be redirected to your profile while visiting MoodleNet.

'; $string['moodlenetsettings'] = 'MoodleNet settings'; $string['moodlenetnotenabled'] = 'The MoodleNet integration must be enabled in Site administration / MoodleNet before resource imports can be processed.'; $string['notification'] = 'You are about to import the content "{$a->name} ({$a->type})" into your site. Select the course in which it should be added, or cancel.'; $string['searchcourses'] = "Search courses"; $string['selectpagetitle'] = 'Select page'; $string['pluginname'] = 'MoodleNet'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = "The MoodleNet tool only facilitates communication with MoodleNet. It stores no data."; $string['profilevalidationerror'] = 'There was a problem trying to validate your profile'; $string['profilevalidationfail'] = 'Please enter a valid MoodleNet profile'; $string['profilevalidationpass'] = 'Looks good!'; $string['saveandgo'] = "Save and go"; $string['uploadlimitexceeded'] = 'The file size {$a->filesize} exceeds the user upload limit of {$a->uploadlimit} bytes.';