. /** * Subscription page. * * @package tool_mobile * @copyright 2020 Moodle Pty Ltd * @author * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace tool_mobile\output; /** * Subscription page. * * @package tool_mobile * @copyright 2020 Moodle Pty Ltd * @author * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class subscription implements \renderable, \templatable { /** * Subscription data. * * @var array subscription data */ protected $subscriptiondata; /** * Constructor for the class, sets the subscription data. * * @param array $subscriptiondata subscription data * @return void */ public function __construct(array $subscriptiondata) { $this->subscriptiondata = $subscriptiondata; } /** * Exports the data. * * @param \renderer_base $output * @return array with the subscription information */ public function export_for_template(\renderer_base $output): array { global $CFG; $ms = get_config('tool_mobile'); // Get mobile settings. $data = $this->subscriptiondata; $data['appsportalurl'] = \tool_mobile\api::MOODLE_APPS_PORTAL_URL; // First prepare messages that may come from the WS. if (!empty($data['messages'])) { foreach ($data['messages'] as $msg) { $data['messages' . $msg['type']][] = ['message' => $msg['message']]; } } unset($data['messages']); // Now prepare statistics information. if (isset($data['statistics']['notifications'])) { $data['notifications'] = $data['statistics']['notifications']; unset($data['statistics']['notifications']); // Find current month data. $data['notifications']['currentactivedevices'] = 0; if (isset($data['notifications']['monthly'][0])) { $currentmonth = $data['notifications']['monthly'][0]; $data['notifications']['currentactivedevices'] = $currentmonth['activedevices']; if (!empty($currentmonth['limitreachedtime'])) { $data['notifications']['limitreachedtime'] = $currentmonth['limitreachedtime']; $data['notifications']['ignorednotificationswarning'] = [ 'message' => get_string('notificationslimitreached', 'tool_mobile', $data['appsportalurl']) ]; } } } // Review features. foreach ($data['subscription']['features'] as &$feature) { // Check the type of features, if it is a limitation or functionality feature. if (array_key_exists('limit', $feature)) { if (empty($feature['limit'])) { // Unlimited, no need to calculate current values. $feature['humanstatus'] = get_string('unlimited'); $feature['showbar'] = 0; continue; } switch ($feature['name']) { // Check active devices. case 'pushnotificationsdevices': if (isset($data['notifications']['currentactivedevices'])) { $feature['status'] = $data['notifications']['currentactivedevices']; } break; // Check menu items. case 'custommenuitems': $custommenuitems = []; $els = rtrim($ms->custommenuitems, "\n"); if (!empty($els)) { $custommenuitems = explode("\n", $els); // Get unique custom menu urls. $custommenuitems = array_flip( array_map(function($val) { return explode('|', $val)[1]; }, $custommenuitems) ); } $feature['status'] = count($custommenuitems); break; // Check language strings. case 'customlanguagestrings': $langstrings = []; $els = rtrim($ms->customlangstrings, "\n"); if (!empty($els)) { $langstrings = explode("\n", $els); // Get unique language string ids. $langstrings = array_flip( array_map(function($val) { return explode('|', $val)[0]; }, $langstrings) ); } $feature['status'] = count($langstrings); break; // Check disabled features strings. case 'disabledfeatures': $feature['status'] = empty($ms->disabledfeatures) ? 0 : count(explode(',', $ms->disabledfeatures)); break; } $feature['humanstatus'] = '?/' . $feature['limit']; // Check if we should display the bar and how. if (isset($feature['status']) && is_int($feature['status'])) { $feature['humanstatus'] = $feature['status'] . '/' . $feature['limit']; $feature['showbar'] = 1; if ($feature['status'] == $feature['limit']) { $feature['barclass'] = 'bg-warning'; } if ($feature['status'] > $feature['limit']) { $feature['barclass'] = 'bg-danger'; $feature['humanstatus'] .= ' - ' . get_string('subscriptionlimitsurpassed', 'tool_mobile'); } } } else { $feature['humanstatus'] = empty($feature['enabled']) ? get_string('notincluded') : get_string('included'); if (empty($feature['enabled'])) { switch ($feature['name']) { // Check remote themes. case 'remotethemes': if (!empty($CFG->mobilecssurl)) { $feature['message'] = [ 'type' => 'danger', 'message' => get_string('subscriptionfeaturenotapplied', 'tool_mobile')]; } break; // Check site logo. case 'sitelogo': if ($output->get_logo_url() || $output->get_compact_logo_url()) { $feature['message'] = [ 'type' => 'danger', 'message' => get_string('subscriptionfeaturenotapplied', 'tool_mobile')]; } break; } } } } usort($data['subscription']['features'], function (array $featurea, array $featureb) { $isfeaturea = !array_key_exists('limit', $featurea); $isfeatureb = !array_key_exists('limit', $featureb); if (!$isfeaturea && $isfeatureb) { return 1; } return 0; } ); return $data; } }