@tool @tool_licensemanager Feature: Custom licences In order to use custom licences As an admin I need to be able to add custom licences Scenario: I am able to create custom licences Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Licence > Licence manager" in site administration And I click on "Create licence" "link" And I set the following fields to these values: | shortname | MIT | | fullname | MIT Licence | | source | https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT | | version[day] | 1 | | version[month] | January | | version[year] | 2020 | When I press "Save changes" Then I should see "Licence manager" And I should see "MIT Licence" in the "MIT" "table_row" And I should see "https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT" in the "MIT" "table_row" Scenario: I am only be able to make custom license with a valid url source (including scheme). Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Licence > Licence manager" in site administration And I click on "Create licence" "link" And I set the following fields to these values: | shortname | MIT | | fullname | MIT Licence | | source | opensource.org/licenses/MIT | | version[day] | 1 | | version[month] | January | | version[year] | 2020 | When I press "Save changes" Then I should see "Invalid source URL" And I set the following fields to these values: | source | mailto:tomdickman@catalyst-au.net | And I press "Save changes" And I should see "Invalid source URL" And I set the following fields to these values: | source | https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT | And I press "Save changes" And I should see "Licence manager" And I should see "MIT Licence" in the "MIT" "table_row" And I should see "https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT" in the "MIT" "table_row" Scenario: Custom license version format must be YYYYMMDD00 Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Licence > Licence manager" in site administration And I click on "Create licence" "link" And I set the following fields to these values: | shortname | MIT | | fullname | MIT Licence | | source | https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT | | version[day] | 1 | | version[month] | March | | version[year] | 2019 | When I press "Save changes" Then I should see "Licence manager" And I should see "2019030100" in the "MIT" "table_row" @javascript Scenario: Custom license short name should not be editable after first creation Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Licence > Licence manager" in site administration And I click on "Create licence" "link" And I set the following fields to these values: | shortname | MIT | | fullname | MIT Licence | | source | https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT | | version[day] | 1 | | version[month] | March | | version[year] | 2019 | And I press "Save changes" And I should see "Licence manager" And I should see "MIT Licence" in the "MIT" "table_row" When I click on "Edit" "icon" in the "MIT" "table_row" Then I should see "Edit licence" And the "shortname" "field" should be disabled