. /** * Renderable for display of license manager table. * * @package tool_licensemanager * @copyright 2020 Tom Dickman * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace tool_licensemanager\output; use html_table; use html_table_cell; use html_table_row; use html_writer; use license_manager; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Renderable for display of license manager table. * * @package tool_licensemanager * @copyright 2020 Tom Dickman * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class table implements \renderable { /** * 'Create License' link. * * @return string HTML string. */ public function create_license_link() { $link = html_writer::link(\tool_licensemanager\helper::get_create_license_url(), get_string('createlicensebuttontext', 'tool_licensemanager'), ['class' => 'btn btn-secondary mb-3']); return $link; } /** * Create the HTML table for license management. * * @param array $licenses * @param \renderer_base $output * * @return string HTML for license manager table. */ public function create_license_manager_table(array $licenses, \renderer_base $output) { $table = new html_table(); $table->head = [ get_string('enable'), get_string('license', 'tool_licensemanager'), get_string('version'), get_string('order'), get_string('edit'), get_string('delete'), ]; $table->colclasses = [ 'text-center', 'text-left', 'text-left', 'text-center', 'text-center', 'text-center', ]; $table->id = 'manage-licenses'; $table->attributes['class'] = 'admintable generaltable'; $table->data = []; $rownumber = 0; $rowcount = count($licenses); foreach ($licenses as $key => $value) { $canmoveup = $rownumber > 0; $canmovedown = $rownumber < $rowcount - 1; $table->data[] = $this->get_license_table_row_data($value, $canmoveup, $canmovedown, $output); $rownumber++; } $html = html_writer::table($table); return $html; } /** * Get table row data for a license. * * @param object $license the license to populate row data for. * @param bool $canmoveup can this row move up. * @param bool $canmovedown can this row move down. * @param \renderer_base $output the renderer * * @return \html_table_row of columns values for row. */ protected function get_license_table_row_data($license, bool $canmoveup, bool $canmovedown, \renderer_base $output) { global $CFG; $summary = $license->fullname . ' ('. $license->shortname . ')'; if (!empty($license->source)) { $summary .= html_writer::empty_tag('br'); $summary .= html_writer::link($license->source, $license->source, ['target' => '_blank']); } $summarycell = new html_table_cell($summary); $summarycell->attributes['class'] = 'license-summary'; $versioncell = new html_table_cell($license->version); $versioncell->attributes['class'] = 'license-version'; $deletelicense = ''; if ($license->shortname == $CFG->sitedefaultlicense) { $hideshow = $output->pix_icon('t/locked', get_string('sitedefaultlicenselock', 'tool_licensemanager')); } else { if ($license->enabled == license_manager::LICENSE_ENABLED) { $hideshow = html_writer::link(\tool_licensemanager\helper::get_disable_license_url($license->shortname), $output->pix_icon('t/hide', get_string('disablelicensename', 'tool_licensemanager', $license->fullname))); } else { $hideshow = html_writer::link(\tool_licensemanager\helper::get_enable_license_url($license->shortname), $output->pix_icon('t/show', get_string('enablelicensename', 'tool_licensemanager', $license->fullname))); } if ($license->custom == license_manager::CUSTOM_LICENSE) { // Link url is added by the JS `delete_license` modal used for confirmation of deletion, to avoid // link being usable before JavaScript loads on page. $deletelicense = html_writer::link('#', $output->pix_icon('i/trash', get_string('deletelicensename', 'tool_licensemanager', $license->fullname)), ['class' => 'delete-license', 'data-license' => $license->shortname]); } } $hideshowcell = new html_table_cell($hideshow); $hideshowcell->attributes['class'] = 'license-status'; if ($license->custom == license_manager::CUSTOM_LICENSE) { $editlicense = html_writer::link(\tool_licensemanager\helper::get_update_license_url($license->shortname), $output->pix_icon('t/editinline', get_string('editlicensename', 'tool_licensemanager', $license->fullname)), ['class' => 'edit-license']); } else { $editlicense = ''; } $editlicensecell = new html_table_cell($editlicense); $editlicensecell->attributes['class'] = 'edit-license'; $spacer = $output->pix_icon('spacer', '', 'moodle', ['class' => 'iconsmall']); $updown = ''; if ($canmoveup) { $updown .= html_writer::link(\tool_licensemanager\helper::get_moveup_license_url($license->shortname), $output->pix_icon('t/up', get_string('movelicenseupname', 'tool_licensemanager', $license->fullname), 'moodle', ['class' => 'iconsmall']), ['class' => 'move-up']) . ''; } else { $updown .= $spacer; } if ($canmovedown) { $updown .= ' '.html_writer::link(\tool_licensemanager\helper::get_movedown_license_url($license->shortname), $output->pix_icon('t/down', get_string('movelicensedownname', 'tool_licensemanager', $license->fullname), 'moodle', ['class' => 'iconsmall']), ['class' => 'move-down']); } else { $updown .= $spacer; } $updowncell = new html_table_cell($updown); $updowncell->attributes['class'] = 'license-order'; $row = new html_table_row([$hideshowcell, $summarycell, $versioncell, $updowncell, $editlicensecell, $deletelicense]); $row->attributes['data-license'] = $license->shortname; $row->attributes['class'] = strtolower(get_string('license', 'tool_licensemanager')); return $row; } }