. /** * Strings for component 'tool_capability', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_22_STABLE' * * @package tool_capability * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['onlydiff'] = 'Show differences only'; $string['capabilitylabel'] = 'Capability:'; $string['capabilityreport'] = 'Capability overview'; $string['eventreportviewed'] = 'Report viewed'; $string['filters'] = 'Filter results'; $string['forroles'] = 'For roles {$a}'; $string['getreport'] = 'Get the overview'; $string['changeoverrides'] = 'Change overrides in this context'; $string['changeroles'] = 'Change role definitions'; $string['intro'] = 'This report shows, for a particular capability, what permission that capability has in the definition of every role (or a selection of roles), and everywhere in the site where that capability is overridden.'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Capability overview'; $string['nodifferences'] = 'There are no differences to show between selected roles in this context'; $string['reportforcapability'] = 'Report for capability \'{$a}\''; $string['reportsettings'] = 'Report settings'; $string['roleslabel'] = 'Roles:'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Capability overview plugin does not store any personal data.';