. /** * Guesses course start and end dates based on activity logs. * * @package tool_analytics * @copyright 2016 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define('CLI_SCRIPT', true); require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/clilib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/format/weeks/lib.php'); $help = "Guesses course start and end dates based on activity logs. IMPORTANT: Don't use this script if you keep previous academic years users enrolled in courses. Guesses would not be accurate. Options: --guessstart Guess the course start date (default to true) --guessend Guess the course end date (default to true) --guessall Guess all start and end dates, even if they are already set (default to false) --update Update the db or just notify the guess (default to false) --filter Analyser dependant. e.g. A courseid would evaluate the model using a single course (Optional) -h, --help Print out this help Example: \$ php admin/tool/analytics/cli/guess_course_start_and_end_dates.php --update=1 --filter=123,321 "; // Now get cli options. list($options, $unrecognized) = cli_get_params( array( 'help' => false, 'guessstart' => true, 'guessend' => true, 'guessall' => false, 'update' => false, 'filter' => false ), array( 'h' => 'help', ) ); if ($options['help']) { echo $help; exit(0); } if ($options['guessstart'] === false && $options['guessend'] === false && $options['guessall'] === false) { echo $help; exit(0); } // Reformat them as an array. if ($options['filter'] !== false) { $options['filter'] = explode(',', clean_param($options['filter'], PARAM_SEQUENCE)); } // We need admin permissions. \core\session\manager::set_user(get_admin()); $conditions = array('id != 1'); if (!$options['guessall']) { if ($options['guessstart']) { $conditions[] = '(startdate is null or startdate = 0)'; } if ($options['guessend']) { $conditions[] = '(enddate is null or enddate = 0)'; } } $coursessql = ''; $params = null; if ($options['filter']) { list($coursessql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($options['filter'], SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $conditions[] = 'id ' . $coursessql; } $courses = $DB->get_recordset_select('course', implode(' AND ', $conditions), $params, 'sortorder ASC'); foreach ($courses as $course) { tool_analytics_calculate_course_dates($course, $options); } $courses->close(); /** * tool_analytics_calculate_course_dates * * @param stdClass $course * @param array $options CLI options * @return void */ function tool_analytics_calculate_course_dates($course, $options) { global $DB, $OUTPUT; $courseman = new \core_analytics\course($course); $notification = $course->shortname . ' (id = ' . $course->id . '): '; $originalenddate = null; $guessedstartdate = null; $guessedenddate = null; $samestartdate = null; $lowerenddate = null; if ($options['guessstart'] || $options['guessall']) { $originalstartdate = $course->startdate; $guessedstartdate = $courseman->guess_start(); $samestartdate = ($guessedstartdate == $originalstartdate); $lowerenddate = ($course->enddate && ($course->enddate < $guessedstartdate)); if ($samestartdate) { if (!$guessedstartdate) { $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('cantguessstartdate', 'tool_analytics'); } else { // No need to update. $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('samestartdate', 'tool_analytics') . ': ' . userdate($guessedstartdate); } } else if (!$guessedstartdate) { $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('cantguessstartdate', 'tool_analytics'); } else if ($lowerenddate) { $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('cantguessstartdate', 'tool_analytics') . ': ' . get_string('enddatebeforestartdate', 'error') . ' - ' . userdate($guessedstartdate); } else { // Update it to something we guess. // We set it to $course even if we don't update because may be needed to guess the end one. $course->startdate = $guessedstartdate; $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('startdate') . ': ' . userdate($guessedstartdate); // Two different course updates because week's end date may be recalculated after setting the start date. if ($options['update']) { update_course($course); // Refresh course data as end date may have been updated. $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $course->id)); $courseman = new \core_analytics\course($course); } } } if ($options['guessend'] || $options['guessall']) { if (!empty($lowerenddate) && !empty($guessedstartdate)) { $course->startdate = $guessedstartdate; } $originalenddate = $course->enddate; $format = course_get_format($course); $formatoptions = $format->get_format_options(); // Change this for a course formats API level call in MDL-60702. if ((get_class($format) == 'format_weeks' || is_subclass_of($format, 'format_weeks')) && method_exists($format, 'update_end_date') && $formatoptions['automaticenddate']) { // Special treatment for weeks-based formats with automatic end date. if ($options['update']) { $format::update_end_date($course->id); $course->enddate = $DB->get_field('course', 'enddate', array('id' => $course->id)); $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('weeksenddateautomaticallyset', 'tool_analytics') . ': ' . userdate($course->enddate); } else { // We can't provide more info without actually updating it in db. $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('weeksenddatedefault', 'tool_analytics'); } } else { $guessedenddate = $courseman->guess_end(); if ($guessedenddate == $originalenddate) { if (!$guessedenddate) { $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('cantguessenddate', 'tool_analytics'); } else { // No need to update. $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('sameenddate', 'tool_analytics') . ': ' . userdate($guessedenddate); } } else if (!$guessedenddate) { $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('cantguessenddate', 'tool_analytics'); } else { // Update it to something we guess. $course->enddate = $guessedenddate; $updateit = false; if ($course->enddate < $course->startdate) { $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('errorendbeforestart', 'course', userdate($course->enddate)); } else if ($course->startdate + (YEARSECS + (WEEKSECS * 4)) > $course->enddate) { $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('coursetoolong', 'course'); } else { $notification .= PHP_EOL . ' ' . get_string('enddate') . ': ' . userdate($course->enddate); $updateit = true; } if ($options['update'] && $updateit) { update_course($course); } } } } mtrace($notification); } mtrace(get_string('success')); exit(0);