. /** * Advanced role definition form. * * @package core_role * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas (http://dougiamas.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * As well as tracking the permissions information about the role we are creating * or editing, we also track the other information about the role. (This class is * starting to be more and more like a formslib form in some respects.) */ class core_role_define_role_table_advanced extends core_role_capability_table_with_risks { /** @var stdClass Used to store other information (besides permissions) about the role we are creating/editing. */ protected $role; /** @var array Used to store errors found when validating the data. */ protected $errors; protected $contextlevels; protected $allcontextlevels; protected $disabled = ''; protected $allowassign; protected $allowoverride; protected $allowswitch; protected $allowview; public function __construct($context, $roleid) { $this->roleid = $roleid; parent::__construct($context, 'defineroletable', $roleid); $this->displaypermissions = $this->allpermissions; $this->strperms[$this->allpermissions[CAP_INHERIT]] = get_string('notset', 'core_role'); $this->allcontextlevels = array(); $levels = context_helper::get_all_levels(); foreach ($levels as $level => $classname) { $this->allcontextlevels[$level] = context_helper::get_level_name($level); } $this->add_classes(['table-striped']); } protected function load_current_permissions() { global $DB; if ($this->roleid) { if (!$this->role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id' => $this->roleid))) { throw new moodle_exception('invalidroleid'); } $contextlevels = get_role_contextlevels($this->roleid); // Put the contextlevels in the array keys, as well as the values. if (!empty($contextlevels)) { $this->contextlevels = array_combine($contextlevels, $contextlevels); } else { $this->contextlevels = array(); } $this->allowassign = array_keys($this->get_allow_roles_list('assign')); $this->allowoverride = array_keys($this->get_allow_roles_list('override')); $this->allowswitch = array_keys($this->get_allow_roles_list('switch')); $this->allowview = array_keys($this->get_allow_roles_list('view')); } else { $this->role = new stdClass; $this->role->name = ''; $this->role->shortname = ''; $this->role->description = ''; $this->role->archetype = ''; $this->contextlevels = array(); $this->allowassign = array(); $this->allowoverride = array(); $this->allowswitch = array(); $this->allowview = array(); } parent::load_current_permissions(); } public function read_submitted_permissions() { global $DB; $this->errors = array(); // Role short name. We clean this in a special way. We want to end up // with only lowercase safe ASCII characters. $shortname = optional_param('shortname', null, PARAM_RAW); if (!is_null($shortname)) { $this->role->shortname = $shortname; $this->role->shortname = core_text::specialtoascii($this->role->shortname); $this->role->shortname = core_text::strtolower(clean_param($this->role->shortname, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT)); if (empty($this->role->shortname)) { $this->errors['shortname'] = get_string('errorbadroleshortname', 'core_role'); } else if (core_text::strlen($this->role->shortname) > 100) { // Check if it exceeds the max of 100 characters. $this->errors['shortname'] = get_string('errorroleshortnametoolong', 'core_role'); } } if ($DB->record_exists_select('role', 'shortname = ? and id <> ?', array($this->role->shortname, $this->roleid))) { $this->errors['shortname'] = get_string('errorexistsroleshortname', 'core_role'); } // Role name. $name = optional_param('name', null, PARAM_TEXT); if (!is_null($name)) { $this->role->name = $name; // Hack: short names of standard roles are equal to archetypes, empty name means localised via lang packs. $archetypes = get_role_archetypes(); if (!isset($archetypes[$shortname]) and html_is_blank($this->role->name)) { $this->errors['name'] = get_string('errorbadrolename', 'core_role'); } } if ($this->role->name !== '' and $DB->record_exists_select('role', 'name = ? and id <> ?', array($this->role->name, $this->roleid))) { $this->errors['name'] = get_string('errorexistsrolename', 'core_role'); } // Description. $description = optional_param('description', null, PARAM_RAW); if (!is_null($description)) { $this->role->description = $description; } // Legacy type. $archetype = optional_param('archetype', null, PARAM_RAW); if (isset($archetype)) { $archetypes = get_role_archetypes(); if (isset($archetypes[$archetype])) { $this->role->archetype = $archetype; } else { $this->role->archetype = ''; } } // Assignable context levels. foreach ($this->allcontextlevels as $cl => $notused) { $assignable = optional_param('contextlevel' . $cl, null, PARAM_BOOL); if (!is_null($assignable)) { if ($assignable) { $this->contextlevels[$cl] = $cl; } else { unset($this->contextlevels[$cl]); } } } // Allowed roles. $allow = optional_param_array('allowassign', null, PARAM_INT); if (!is_null($allow)) { $this->allowassign = array_filter($allow); } $allow = optional_param_array('allowoverride', null, PARAM_INT); if (!is_null($allow)) { $this->allowoverride = array_filter($allow); } $allow = optional_param_array('allowswitch', null, PARAM_INT); if (!is_null($allow)) { $this->allowswitch = array_filter($allow); } $allow = optional_param_array('allowview', null, PARAM_INT); if (!is_null($allow)) { $this->allowview = array_filter($allow); } // Now read the permissions for each capability. parent::read_submitted_permissions(); } public function is_submission_valid() { return empty($this->errors); } /** * Call this after the table has been initialised, * this resets everything to that role. * * @param int $roleid role id or 0 for no role * @param array $options array with following keys: * 'name', 'shortname', 'description', 'permissions', 'archetype', * 'contextlevels', 'allowassign', 'allowoverride', 'allowswitch', * 'allowview' */ public function force_duplicate($roleid, array $options) { global $DB; if ($roleid == 0) { // This means reset to nothing == remove everything. if ($options['shortname']) { $this->role->shortname = ''; } if ($options['name']) { $this->role->name = ''; } if ($options['description']) { $this->role->description = ''; } if ($options['archetype']) { $this->role->archetype = ''; } if ($options['contextlevels']) { $this->contextlevels = array(); } if ($options['allowassign']) { $this->allowassign = array(); } if ($options['allowoverride']) { $this->allowoverride = array(); } if ($options['allowswitch']) { $this->allowswitch = array(); } if ($options['allowview']) { $this->allowview = array(); } if ($options['permissions']) { foreach ($this->capabilities as $capid => $cap) { $this->permissions[$cap->name] = CAP_INHERIT; } } return; } $role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id'=>$roleid), '*', MUST_EXIST); if ($options['shortname']) { $this->role->shortname = $role->shortname; } if ($options['name']) { $this->role->name = $role->name; } if ($options['description']) { $this->role->description = $role->description; } if ($options['archetype']) { $this->role->archetype = $role->archetype; } if ($options['contextlevels']) { $this->contextlevels = array(); $levels = get_role_contextlevels($roleid); foreach ($levels as $cl) { $this->contextlevels[$cl] = $cl; } } if ($options['allowassign']) { $this->allowassign = array_keys($this->get_allow_roles_list('assign', $roleid)); } if ($options['allowoverride']) { $this->allowoverride = array_keys($this->get_allow_roles_list('override', $roleid)); } if ($options['allowswitch']) { $this->allowswitch = array_keys($this->get_allow_roles_list('switch', $roleid)); } if ($options['allowview']) { $this->allowview = array_keys($this->get_allow_roles_list('view', $roleid)); } if ($options['permissions']) { $this->permissions = $DB->get_records_menu('role_capabilities', array('roleid' => $roleid, 'contextid' => context_system::instance()->id), '', 'capability,permission'); foreach ($this->capabilities as $capid => $cap) { if (!isset($this->permissions[$cap->name])) { $this->permissions[$cap->name] = CAP_INHERIT; } } } } /** * Change the role definition to match given archetype. * * @param string $archetype * @param array $options array with following keys: * 'name', 'shortname', 'description', 'permissions', 'archetype', * 'contextlevels', 'allowassign', 'allowoverride', 'allowswitch', * 'allowview' */ public function force_archetype($archetype, array $options) { $archetypes = get_role_archetypes(); if (!isset($archetypes[$archetype])) { throw new coding_exception('Unknown archetype: '.$archetype); } if ($options['shortname']) { $this->role->shortname = ''; } if ($options['name']) { $this->role->name = ''; } if ($options['description']) { $this->role->description = ''; } if ($options['archetype']) { $this->role->archetype = $archetype; } if ($options['contextlevels']) { $this->contextlevels = array(); $defaults = get_default_contextlevels($archetype); foreach ($defaults as $cl) { $this->contextlevels[$cl] = $cl; } } if ($options['allowassign']) { $this->allowassign = get_default_role_archetype_allows('assign', $archetype); } if ($options['allowoverride']) { $this->allowoverride = get_default_role_archetype_allows('override', $archetype); } if ($options['allowswitch']) { $this->allowswitch = get_default_role_archetype_allows('switch', $archetype); } if ($options['allowview']) { $this->allowview = get_default_role_archetype_allows('view', $archetype); } if ($options['permissions']) { $defaultpermissions = get_default_capabilities($archetype); foreach ($this->permissions as $k => $v) { if (isset($defaultpermissions[$k])) { $this->permissions[$k] = $defaultpermissions[$k]; continue; } $this->permissions[$k] = CAP_INHERIT; } } } /** * Change the role definition to match given preset. * * @param string $xml * @param array $options array with following keys: * 'name', 'shortname', 'description', 'permissions', 'archetype', * 'contextlevels', 'allowassign', 'allowoverride', 'allowswitch', * 'allowview' */ public function force_preset($xml, array $options) { if (!$info = core_role_preset::parse_preset($xml)) { throw new coding_exception('Invalid role preset'); } if ($options['shortname']) { if (isset($info['shortname'])) { $this->role->shortname = $info['shortname']; } } if ($options['name']) { if (isset($info['name'])) { $this->role->name = $info['name']; } } if ($options['description']) { if (isset($info['description'])) { $this->role->description = $info['description']; } } if ($options['archetype']) { if (isset($info['archetype'])) { $this->role->archetype = $info['archetype']; } } if ($options['contextlevels']) { if (isset($info['contextlevels'])) { $this->contextlevels = $info['contextlevels']; } } foreach (array('assign', 'override', 'switch', 'view') as $type) { if ($options['allow'.$type]) { if (isset($info['allow'.$type])) { $this->{'allow'.$type} = $info['allow'.$type]; } } } if ($options['permissions']) { foreach ($this->permissions as $k => $v) { // Note: do not set everything else to CAP_INHERIT here // because the xml file might not contain all capabilities. if (isset($info['permissions'][$k])) { $this->permissions[$k] = $info['permissions'][$k]; } } } } public function get_role_name() { return $this->role->name; } public function get_role_id() { return $this->role->id; } public function get_archetype() { return $this->role->archetype; } protected function load_parent_permissions() { $this->parentpermissions = get_default_capabilities($this->role->archetype); } public function save_changes() { global $DB, $USER; if (!$this->roleid) { // Creating role. $this->role->id = create_role($this->role->name, $this->role->shortname, $this->role->description, $this->role->archetype); $this->roleid = $this->role->id; // Needed to make the parent::save_changes(); call work. } else { // Updating role. $DB->update_record('role', $this->role); // Trigger role updated event. \core\event\role_updated::create([ 'userid' => $USER->id, 'objectid' => $this->role->id, 'context' => $this->context, 'other' => [ 'name' => $this->role->name, 'shortname' => $this->role->shortname, 'description' => $this->role->description, 'archetype' => $this->role->archetype, 'contextlevels' => $this->contextlevels ] ])->trigger(); // This will ensure the course contacts cache is purged so name changes get updated in // the UI. It would be better to do this only when we know that fields affected are // updated. But thats getting into the weeds of the coursecat cache and role edits // should not be that frequent, so here is the ugly brutal approach. core_course_category::role_assignment_changed($this->role->id, context_system::instance()); } // Assignable contexts. set_role_contextlevels($this->role->id, $this->contextlevels); // Set allowed roles. $this->save_allow('assign'); $this->save_allow('override'); $this->save_allow('switch'); $this->save_allow('view'); // Permissions. parent::save_changes(); } protected function save_allow($type) { global $DB; $current = array_keys($this->get_allow_roles_list($type)); $wanted = $this->{'allow'.$type}; $addfunction = "core_role_set_{$type}_allowed"; $deltable = 'role_allow_'.$type; $field = 'allow'.$type; $eventclass = "\\core\\event\\role_allow_" . $type . "_updated"; $context = context_system::instance(); foreach ($current as $roleid) { if (!in_array($roleid, $wanted)) { $DB->delete_records($deltable, array('roleid'=>$this->roleid, $field=>$roleid)); $eventclass::create([ 'context' => $context, 'objectid' => $this->roleid, 'other' => ['targetroleid' => $roleid, 'allow' => false] ])->trigger(); continue; } $key = array_search($roleid, $wanted); unset($wanted[$key]); } foreach ($wanted as $roleid) { if ($roleid == -1) { $roleid = $this->roleid; } $addfunction($this->roleid, $roleid); if (in_array($roleid, $wanted)) { $eventclass::create([ 'context' => $context, 'objectid' => $this->roleid, 'other' => ['targetroleid' => $roleid, 'allow' => true] ])->trigger(); } } } protected function get_name_field($id) { return ''; } protected function get_shortname_field($id) { return ''; } protected function get_description_field($id) { return ''; } protected function get_archetype_field($id) { $options = array(); $options[''] = get_string('none'); foreach (get_role_archetypes() as $type) { $options[$type] = get_string('archetype'.$type, 'role'); } return html_writer::select($options, 'archetype', $this->role->archetype, false, array('class' => 'custom-select')); } protected function get_assignable_levels_control() { $output = ''; foreach ($this->allcontextlevels as $cl => $clname) { $extraarguments = $this->disabled; if (in_array($cl, $this->contextlevels)) { $extraarguments .= 'checked="checked" '; } if (!$this->disabled) { $output .= ''; } $output .= '
' . get_string('highlightedcellsshowdefault', 'core_role') . '
'; echo ' '; } public function display() { global $OUTPUT; // Extra fields at the top of the page. echo '